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Comment Re:I bet they're not. (Score 1) 40

I'm still not sure why netflix or the content IP owners would care who is paying the $10/mo for the subscription, where they live, etc. as long as... they get their $10/mo. It doesn't cost 'em any more money than a US based customer, they get the same pay, etc. Of course, I'm thinking logically and not like a lawyer, mba, or sociopathic executive...

Comment Re:Who watches this crap? (Score 4, Insightful) 135

Depends on how the streamer works. Just watching text appear in an editor with the sound of cheetos being munched? Not very helpful.

But, if there is a running commentary about how they are thinking of solving a particular (sub?) problem, deciding what arguments a function needs, what it needs to return back to the calling location, etc. can certainly help with the "How do I solve a problem" type stuff.


Comment Re:linux hard to install and use for desktop users (Score 2) 187

Of the 7 linux boxes I keep up and running and actually use for something on a very regular basis, 4 of them do not have any flavor of X installed. One of those 4 has a few X libraries installed (for me to one run app over a SSH tunnel on a local X server), but the other 3 are pure command line only.

So how exactly is Linux reliant on X windows?

Granted, a lot of things that a majority of people use a computer for need a windowing environment (a blinking cursor *is* graphical!) but very serviceable Linux machines with no X exist in lots of places.

Comment Re: Aww hell. (Score 1) 177

Burned thru LOTS of 22 shot gallery loads at WDW when I was young - the gallery in Frontier Land used *real* guns and *real* ammo.

Was rather disappointed to see they were replaced with cheap cheesy fakes that "shot" light ...

Comment Re:Amazing and dreadful, simultaneously (Score 1) 381

Ah, I see. You've localized to SV. Here in Florida, when we need something done - ie, write a single sign on module from our homegrown SIS to a course management system, etc. we get in touch with a few folks, send 'em the docs, what info we have, the list of requirements (language, libraries, versions of said, etc), and request for a quote and delivery date. Some we deal with are single folks set up as LLCs or s-corps, some are co-ops of said people working under an umbrella s-corp or llc, etc. Here's what we want, here's the tools we want/need you to use, tell us how much and when.

Comment Re:Additionally "computer professionals" are exemp (Score 1) 381

Collecting all of it - not really. When your corporation/LLC pays you, you'll still be responsible for all the regular employee taxes you'd pay with a regular job as an employee. But then you also have to cover all of the employer's contributions too (7.5% IIRC on Fed level, not sure if still accurate or what states w/ income taxes do). And then you also have to keep the corporate books straight, etc. which is either more time you have to work (for yourself) or more $ you pay out for an accountant to do it for you

Comment Re:Amazing and dreadful, simultaneously (Score 1) 381

As a contractor, there should be a list of deliverables and deadlines and the amount you will be paid or punished for delivering said deliverables early, on time, or late. If you find yourself working more than 40 hours/week to meet your deliverables/deadlines you need to get better at bidding jobs and setting your own deadlines. Or, you've suckered someone desperate to pay your out-the-butt pricing because *they* are behind on their deliverables and deadlines....

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