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Comment Re:This May Protect Cheaters (Score 3, Interesting) 125

I have issues with turnitin.com as well (and I'm a teacher and work in academic technology) but mostly because instructors/institutions can force a student to give up their intellectual property in order to support a 3rd party's business model.

I've started adding a footer on my papers I submit as a student along the lines of "this paper is the intellectual property of i.r.id10t. any commercial use is prohibited"

Don't think I'll ever get anywhere because of it, but at least it makes me feel half way ok for a few moments...

Comment Re:Remove the goddamn box (Score 1) 320

Some do have use, if they are constructed carefully at the beginning.

For example, a coworker lives out in a rural area, on a 7 acre lot, surrounded by other 7 to 10 acre lots. The "road" through the "neighborhood" - a big U shape connecting to the same 2 lane county road at both ends - was hard packed lime stone.

The HOA was formed and its sole purpose is to collect $50 per month to pay to have the road re-graded every year with the extra going into an account to have the road paved "for real" at some point in the future.

But yeah, I agree, the behavior that "most" HOA horror stories depict needs to be made illegal.

Comment Re:Don't put cameras on everything (Score 1) 138

I can see where it would be beneficial to some types of training - working on follow through, etc. for shooting skeet, trap, or sporting clays. Or working on control for position shooting matches.

But for the common consumer end user? Pure novelty. And we've been doing similar for a long time - taking pictures or video thru scopes, etc. so it really isn't much new. I guess being able to include range finder and calculate distance so you know about the drop would be nice, but usually wind is a much bigger issue (for me anyway) and I'm not sure how it could help there without more specialized equipment (wind flags w/ maybe a pattern or something so it can provide a speed/direction reading to the computer)

Comment Re: Thanks, assholes (Score 1) 573

Nah, wasn't poor shooting - it was vandalism. Guy walked the lenght of a cinder block wall separating 2 pistol ranges and blasted a hole every few feet with a shotgun.

There was an off duty fish and game officer there, arrested him for destruction of federal property (the range is in the Osceola National Forest and is maintained by funds from the Pitman-Robertson act)

Comment Re: Thanks, assholes (Score 1) 573

Most of the casual shooters I know (and a few not so casual) shoot more in any given month that the few dozen sworn officers I know shoot in a year.

The local police academy range has holes and divots in all sorts of "wrong" places indicating serious or potentially serious "accidents" - the public no restrictions range I shoot at has some intentional vandalism damage, but I've not heard of any accidents or near accidents happening there in years.

Comment Re:Thanks, assholes (Score 1) 573

Some states have even passed laws allowing new manufacture of machine guns *as long as* they are for in-state use. Theory being that the BATFE (and fed gov) only get the ability to restrict/deny based on interstate commerce.

And while I am definately for gun rights, and love shooting full auto (if someone else is buying the ammo) I don't have pockets deep enough to become a test case.

Comment Re:So what games run in Linux? (Score 2) 136

They already did 15 years ago. I put my money where my mouth is - I use Linux not just for the Freedom, but for a stable OS, and yes, I'll cheerfully pay retail for software. In fact, I just unearthed my copies when I cleaned my garage yesterday. All Linux branded versions of Quake 3, Unreal Tournament, UT GOTY Edition, UT2004, Soldier of Fortune, MechWarrior II, Descent 3d, and quite a few others from Loki Games. I even found my unopened l33t tin editon of Q3 for Linux.

Of course, now my son wants to set it all up and play them.... :)

Comment Re:One fiber to rule them... (Score 1) 221

This is why I love my home ISP - it is a telco (windstream) and I'm far enough out that anything more than the 1.5mb service is unreliable (chronic disconnects) but they don't block any ports, and if I connect to a server capable I can download at the full 1.5mb speed (and/or upload at the 384k speed) as long as I want, or at least have tested downloading ISOs from my linode, etc.

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