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Comment Hey Assholes (Score -1, Troll) 192

I paid $520 Billion dollars, that's billion with a 'B', to have the most modern and well equipped military in the world. If you're paying Microsoft to keep Exchange 2003 up to day, I am starting to doubt that I'm getting my money's worth here. Hell, when was the last time you even won a war?

Comment Re: I'm going back to ASCII (Score 1) 164

There is a difference between forcing everyone to speak a certain language at home, and having one language that we use online.

I'm also pretty skeptical of the value of "culture".

Language does impact your brain in profound ways, there is real science behind that. Unlike most(all?) claims to the value of culture. (often it implies one culture is more valuable than another, which smells a bit like stuff old racist white guys say)

Comment Re:At the risk of getting downvoted into oblivion. (Score 1) 290

I can stand up in any public square the US and give my opinion of whatever topic I want to. I don't have to provide my name to do so.I don't have to show my papers. I don't have to get permission from overnight billioinaires. I can simply tell people what I am thinking, and call myself Silence Dogood.

Then you should do that. Facebook, a business, is under no obligation to help you with that effort.

Comment I do you know I read a page? (Score 1) 172

Maybe I'm a fast reader, faster than whatever reasonable setting the used in "displayed on the screen long enough to be parsed". Maybe my cat flips to a random page and leaves it on all night? On my Kindle I usually flip to the next page before going to bed. But even though I left the device auto shut-off on that page, I didn't read it. The lights were out and the Kindle was on my nightstand.

This is why every Kindle needs a credit card swipe. I should have to go through the physical act of swiping my credit card to proceed to the next page.

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