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Comment Re:I think the conversation here is missing the po (Score 1) 1116

I don't know about a political organization, but in terms of politically visible persons: George Takei was fairly vocal in this (with lots of discussion from his supporters/detractors in regards to that as well). Sometimes it seems that an official political "organization" versus "group with figurehead" is a blurry line sometimes.

Comment Re:Should NASA Send Astronauts On Voluntary One-Wa (Score 1) 307

"Which is infinitely better than 0% chance of returning home."

Except in those days, many people really didn't know that there was any chance of returning home.

"Anywhere else the oxygen would have to be created."

No disagreement here. A self-sustaining biome of sorts is one of the biggest hurdles, and frankly something that should be mostly figured out before we send people offworld. There's no sense in sending anyone if they can't create replenishable O2 and nourishment.

Right now it seems to be a bit of cyclical argument. Why send people if we don't have the necessities for survival. Why prepare a replenishable environment if nobody will want or be able to go.

Comment Re:Should NASA Send Astronauts On Voluntary One-Wa (Score 1) 307

The difference being that they had a hope of returning in the "Age of Exploration".

Often, they didn't know that, and the changes of not returning home were >50%

One way trips have no hope of returning.

The likelyhood of this is also greater than 50%, but less than 100%. Who knows what discoveries could be made off-planet?
That said, not everyone who "didn't return home" in the colonization days died, some settled despite the harsh environment. This would be more the intent of such a mission off-planet. It's being portrayed as a death sentence, when really it's more of a chance to be part of early colonization attempts.

Comment Intent (Score 1) 328

Law does take into effect intent. In this case, is there a legitimate case for "revenge" porn? The topic implies that by nature the content involves posting pictures without somebody else's consent. How is shutting it down and/or charging the owners different from doing so with a site called something like "" which knowingly lists the purpose as housing underage pornography, or an illegal pharmacy/gambling site?

If they want to be legit, include a release with the pics like regular porn. If they get a notice that content is not legit, take it down. If not, go to court/jail.

Comment "Download button" ads (Score 1) 303

Yeah, I think that the advertisers (and Google seems to be particularly bad at this) really need to crack down on certain obviously-misleading ads. I've seen a creeping increase in the "Green Download Button" ads, which really serve no other purpose than to mislead people on download pages into downloading and installing the *wrong* product (generally malware).

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