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Comment Re:Microwave radiation (Score 1) 227

'The page "Mircowaves" does not exist. You can ask for it to be created, but consider checking the search results below to see whether the topic is already covered.'

So I'm guessing you still meant microwaves, which - in the case of the oven - are emitting radiation sufficient to cook food within a rather short'ish period of time. I suppose there's not enough heat in a short time to cook ones testes but I'd rather not be standing there when the door opens.

Comment Probability of being shot (Score 1) 249

The guy that works in the local corner store also has a non-zero probability of getting shot when he goes to work in the morning. Yes, it's terrible when bad things happen to cops, but it doesn't mean that we should ignore that a not insignificant number of bad things are committed by cops. Keep in mind that 1.4% is just reported incidents, and that there are probably plenty of "better keep quiet or you'll get a worse beating" situations out there.

Comment Training (Score 1) 636

Well, for coding jobs, it often does involve stepping through how the code/systems work. Unless in a "nice" scenario where you're teaching a new guy the ropes (while not facing the sword of damacles yourself), it's basically "here's all the shit you need to do to keep the lights on."

Comment Re:I agree. (Score 1) 636

With that, there comes statements like this
"He trained his replacement"

IF you're hiring contractors from a respectable/knowledgeable company, why the F*** would you need to train them. This is what happens when they bring in a company that is *cheap* to clean out existing staff.

I didn't see any note in the article as to what company was supplying the H1-B workers. I wouldn't be surprised if it's a shell created specifically for/by Disney.

Comment Workarounds (Score 1) 636

Yeah, so these probably did some quasi-legal manoeuvring to get around this
a) Created a new position with a different skillset for the H1-B, whose duties happen to overlap (oh, but the old guy/gal wasn't qualified to do X,Y,Z he/she only knew X)
b) Created/hired a third-party/shell company, filled with H1B, and subcontracted the work to it

The latter seems to be popular, these days, then they can say "well, we didn't hire foreign workers, we're just contracting the work to EvilCorp which happens to have mostly H1-B's as employees"

Comment Re:P.S. (Score 1) 355

Yeah, so basically because the administration wouldn't give him a pass to drop the bad students, he said "fuck it, I'm taking my ball home" and tried to fail and screw over everyone (including the good students) so that he didn't have to teach the class anymore.

Such high-quality faculty and administration we have.

Comment Saturation (Score 1) 170

It also depends on how saturated the existing connection is.
IF in the unlikely scenario the guy is already near tapping out his existing 50mbps connection, then adding another 20mbps could improve netflix streaming. For all we know the guy likes to stream netflix while downloading 10 torrents, Steam updates and large ISO files.

Comment Re:Money (Score 1) 140

I guess it depends where you live. In Vancouver BC, Canada, they redid a large portion of the huge portion of the highway/bridge and added a long HOV lane. The last time I went through there were still plenty of jackasses using it as a passing lane etc despite only having one person in the vehicle

Comment Pay scales (Score 1) 634

So what's the pay scale on "societally meaningful" engineering jobs, because if it's not the same (and quite likely it isn't) we'll just be back to the whole "but it's not equal pay" argument.

The fact is that many "better feeling" jobs tend to come at a cost in regards to monetary compensation.
So if Marshall Eriksen is going to work at a soulless lawyer firm as a shark for hire, he's going to make more money.
But if Marshall Eriksen is going to work in the legal department of an environmental protection company, the pay may not be quite as good.

Similarly, if Jane Doe wants to work at a firm that does the engineering for creating oil rigs, good pay. But if she's building aquifers in Africa or something similar, the pay might be good but not "as good".

But... I bet a lot of comparisons will say "look at how Jane Doe, is making less money as an engineer (at eco-engineering inc) than John Smith, also an engineer (at drill-baby-driill inc)"

Comment High School (Score 1) 355

This is pretty much a university level prof acting like a High School teacher. A good portion (but not all) of the class was misbehaving, so he failed the lot of them.

That's like "Billy did X so you're all staying in at lunch." That shit wasn't fair in Elementary/Secondary school, and it's sure as hell not acceptable in a venue where students have paid to take the course. Fail the bad students, but don't shit on the ones that were there to learn and not causing issues.

Comment Fatburger (Score 1) 630

Yes, or as my server friend commented on after a late night shift:

A fairly large lady comes in with a friend after a night at the bar. She orders the double-decker cheeseburger, poutined fries with gravy, and a side of apple pie. Then she asks for a "diet coke" and comments "I'm trying to lose weight"

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