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Comment Branches (Score 1) 286

What if it's a search that any civilian can do. As an individual, I can report things on the internet that are obviously illegal. Is there anything stopping him from reporting to the police/etc - as Navy personnel - material that any regular citizen would just as easily been able to find?

One question becomes who to report to (because frankly, some cops may be just as likely to investigate the person making the report). In the case of child abuse, I'd prefer for child abuse, but is there any truly effective and anonymous reporting agency?

Comment Like traffic tickets (Score 1) 286

like traffic tickets. It's a lot easier for a cop to sit on his ass eating donuts in front of a computer monitor than it is to go out and prosecute actual sex crimes

I know somebody who does this job. If you think it's easy then how about YOU try it. Firstly, it isn't just "randomly searching the internet for bad stuff", but quite often investigating the computers of people who have an outstanding accusation of abuse (e.g. Timmy said uncle Frank has been doing something fairly heinous) for further evidence. At that point, they'll often find images of the person committing the abusive acts in question, as well as a trove of some fairly sick shit. We're not talking bathtub and beach pictures here, we're talking pain, degradation, and suffering.

Perhaps you think you can get away with looking at pictures of children being abused for days on end and not end up being not being affected, but it's certainly not a job that *I* would want to do.

Now, your initial argument is that 18 years is too long for just "traders." That may be a bit more reasonable, especially since these days it's pretty easy to pick up some weird/borderline crap on your computer just by visiting some hack/torrent sites (nasty banners). I'm not sure what the threshold for content is between "collecting" and "has nasty crap on computer", but that would be much more of a concern than your so-called "lazy" cops who have to look at sludge all day long.

Comment on the Gnutella file-sharing network (Score 1) 286

As with other earlier P2P networks, wouldn't it just be a matter of "look for something bad and see who has it? Personally, if you're sharing out "illegal [xxx] blah" on a public network, how is it different from hosting a webpage with the same material?

Now if he was breaking into people's computers to find it, I can understand, but in this case it sounds like he pretty much just looked for what people were sharing publicly. If it's public, the expectation of privacy should be pretty low, so what are the search restrictions in that case?

Comment 50-60%? I don't think so (Score 1) 215

Thinking on these two kickstarters

Mighty #9, basically a game similar to Mega Man, it had some basic concept art and rough drawings, but I'd hardly call that anywhere near 50%

SpaceVenture, same deal. Concept art, some rough ideas. Mostly, from guys who are known to produce.

If you don't have a reputation already, and no prototype that's at least semi-functional, then really you've got nothing much to offer other than a promise and a prayer.

You have no way to show whether your idea is feasible. You have no way to know how much work is actually involved. I have no way to know that you won't be taking my money and using it to fund a Caribbean vacation or drug/drinking habit.

Seriously, for a computer game come up with an intro video that shows you can make it look good, and a few rough gameplay concepts that show you can make it *run*. You still have: level design, art design, storyboard design, voice acting as needed, sound production, etc etc. You're not even close to 50% at that point, but at least you can show that you can make *something*.

But, without reputation, you have to either have a great idea that's unique and desirable, *really* good marketing, or something tangible. Notwithstanding the dude that kickstarted potato salad, that's just weird...

Comment Apathy (Score 1) 223

Americans seem to have a better chance at shaming the NFL into dealing with Ray Rice than they do at shaming the government to do something about the NSA.

Pissed off customers have the potential to lead to empty seats and lost profits. Pissed off citizens... well, you might get less votes if the "other guys" seem a little better, but the "other guys" are really part of the same system and many of the entrenched interests don't actually change when a different party is voted in.

Comment Abuses of communism (Score 1) 540

Yes, because in the U.S. you'd never have for-profit prisons, civil forfeiture, or even outright cops stealing cash under the pretence of fighting crime.

The U.S. certainly wouldn't have issues with police beating minorities or killing them, leading to riots. They wouldn't have a growing number of cases of false imprisonment, or police militarization

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