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Submission + - U.S. Senate Candidate Mike Bouchard Website Hacked

laffer1 writes: "Detroit's channel 7 ( reported on their webcast that U.S. Senate Candidate Mik Bouchard's website ( was "hacked". The site is now down and it is reported that the FBI is investigating. I voted against him, but find this to be quite an unethical attack. The site is still available in google's cache. ( =us&ct=clnk&cd=2&lr=lang_en)"

IBM Touts Smart Surveillance System 37

mikesd81 writes "Reuters reports that IBM hopes to capitalize on the enormous growth in video surveillance. They'll begin selling technology from their research labs that performs real-time analysis on footage captured by security cameras in stores and sensitive locales. IBM contends that it is the first to add advanced search functions, which make use of computers' improving ability to recognize video content. For example, the IBM system would let a user search for all instances of a green car passing by a store on a certain day. It can also incorporate data gathered from audio or chemical sensors. And IBM said S3 includes important privacy enhancements, such as the ability to automatically obscure faces of customers or passers-by. IBM said that S3's target market includes retail outlets, banks, airports, freight terminals and mass transit systems. It is also being sold to public security agencies and other government departments." C|Net reports that the software is so impressive, it may be monitoring border crossings before too long.

Edward Tufte Talks information Design 193

BoredStiff writes "The Weekend Edition of NPR ran a story on Edward Tufte — the outspoken critic of PowerPoint presentations — he has been described by The New York Times as "The Leonardo da Vinci of Data." Since 1993, thousands have attended his day-long seminars on Information Design. Tufte's most recent book is filled with hundreds of illustrations that demonstrate one concept: good design is timeless, while bad design can be a matter of life and death."
User Journal

Journal Journal: Bush quotes ... dare we believe? 2

David Isenberg has a great, great blog, one of my favorites. Today he referred to two, count them two, quotes by President Bush that really make me go "hmm". I have trouble believing them, but if so ... he's in a lot of hot water. On Leno, if noplace else :).
  1. "Stop throwing the Constitution in my face, it's just a goddamned piece of paper!"
  2. "I don't give a goddamn. I'm the President and t
User Journal

Journal Journal: How Bush stole the election

Another great link from David Isenberg about the questions surrounding Bush's win in 2004. (Or did one of my "friends" already post this? Sorry, if so.)
User Journal

Journal Journal: Buy Blue

I found a link in about Costco's article in the NYT. It mentioned BuyBlue, a site that lists companies whose executives donate to the good guys (and the bad guys). Very interesting stuff.
User Journal

Journal Journal: CapitalOne Auto Finance woes 3

In 2002, my wife and I refinanced two auto loans with PeopleFirst, which became CapitalOne. We arranged for them to auto-deduct payments from checking.

Some time ago, they screwed up, failed to take their money, and then yelled at us for not paying them. They apologized eventually.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Pedal Magic -- awesome

My daughter turns twelve this week. She's never been eager to learn to ride a bike, and she went through several bikes, each with training wheels, while never biking often enough to really learn. This week we bought a full-size bike, which turns out not to be available with training wheels unless we custom order something as expensive as the bike. Turns out we didn't need to. While researching this, my wife found Pedal Magic, a site with a downloadable video
User Journal

Journal Journal: Eric Brewer: Technology for Emerging Regions

Rejected from the main index:

Eric Brewer, a professor of computer science at Berkeley and founder of Inktomi, gave a keynote speech at WWW2005, in which he highlighted his project on Technology and Infrastructure for Emerging Regions. Brewer described a number of ongoing projects in this area (at Berkeley and elsewhere) that have really made a difference, such a

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Journal Journal: Home Equity question 5

I decided to try out Lendingtree over the weekend, and it seems to be working out well. One question, though: when I told one lender that I was a bit torn between a fixed-rate 2nd mortgage and a line of credit, he suggested I do both: fixed-rate and fixed value plus an equity line on top. The next lender I spoke to was aghast when I suggested this... "a third mortgage?!"
User Journal

Journal Journal: The end of public libraries? 2

Is this the beginning of the end? The NY Times reports (firstborn son required) that Salinas, the hometown of the famous John Steinbeck, and for whom one of its public libraries is named, is about to shut its libraries for lack of funding. Public libraries throughout the US are suffering big cutbacks, and strapped taxpayers are unwilling to do things like a proposed sale
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Journal Journal: Reid on Thomas/Scalia

Harry Reid, the incoming Democratic minority leader in the US Senate, has spoken out on the confirmation process. CNN reports that he calls Clarence Thomas "an embarrassment to the Supreme Court" and implied he would fight against any possible promotion of Thomas to chief justice. On the other hand, he cited Antonin Scalia's brilliance, and said while he disagreed with many of his opinions, he found it hard t

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