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Windows Server Trusts Samba4 Active Directory 182

Darren Ginter writes "A group of Samba v4 developers recently spent a week in Redmond to work with Microsoft on Active Directory interoperability(?!). The result? Windows Server will now join, trust and replicate a Samba-based Active Directory using Microsoft-native protocols. Although Samba v4 is still in the alpha stages, this is a huge step for open source. Or it could be a trap."
The Internet

Submission + - Designing Copyright Laws That Are Built To Last 4

An anonymous reader writes: With all the pressure to reform copyright law in countries around the world, the Toronto Star focuses on how to build a law that is built to last. The key ingredients include a balanced approach, technological neutrality, simplification, and embracing flexibility.
The Internet

Submission + - Pirate Bay downloads to flash drive before sale (

scrubl writes: An anonymous uploader has provided the database of the world's biggest BitTorrent site for download just days before the iconic pirate website was sold to its new owners. Fittingly, the 21.3 GB file was available as a torrent for download and fits on a high-capacity USB flash drive. When it was sold to Global Gaming Factory, the Pirate Bay said on its blog that "if the new owners will screw around with the site, nobody will keep using it". But Torrentfreak reported the anonymous uploaded wanted further assurances: "If the TPB deal disappoints us, we can just put it up again."

Submission + - Comcast intercepts and redirects port 53 traffic ( 1

An anonymous reader writes: An interesting (and profane) writeup of one frustrated user's discovery that Comcast is actually intercepting DNS requests bound for non-Comcast DNS servers and redirecting them to their own servers. I had obviously heard of the DNS hijacking for nonexistent domains, but I had no idea they'd actually prevent people from directly contacting their own DNS servers.

Comment Re:It's been time for YEARS (Score 1) 948

To further further that analogy, quite a few of these mobsters have joined together to form something more like armies. I'm thinking of Ubuntu, Red Hat and Suse, to name the largest ones. They are projects using free software, but guided by strong leadership. These are the one who have a shot at making a dent in the armours of Microsoft and Apple.

Palm Pre Reviewed 144

mlingojones writes "The Palm Pre doesn't come out until June 6th, but the Boy Genius Report not only got their hands on one but also posted a review of it. They liked webOS, but not the hardware (especially the keyboard). Overall, they feel that 'once people are able to play a real unit themselves, there will be more than a lot of happy Palm Pre customers.'" On the downside, this review says the keyboard is lousy.

Submission + - Pirate bay judge biased

Zoolander writes: The judge of the Pirate Bay trial has been found to be a member of several organizations that deal with copyright issues, among them the Swedish Copyright Association, whose members also include Monique Wadsted, Henrik Pontén and Peter Danowsky, who all represented the entertainment industry in the trial, and Swedish Association for the Protection of Industrial Property, an organization which actively advocates more stringent copyright laws.

Flying Car Ready To Take Off 315

ChazeFroy writes "The first flying automobile, equally at home in the sky or on the road, is scheduled to take to the air next month. If it survives its first test flight, the Terrafugia Transition, which can transform itself from a two-seater road car to a plane in 15 seconds, is expected to land in showrooms in about 18 months' time. Terrafugia claims it will be able to fly up to 500 miles on a single tank of unleaded petrol at a cruising speed of 115mph. Even at $200,000 per automobile, they have already received 40 orders."

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