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Comment Modern, flat, tabletification of everything (Score 2, Insightful) 516

NOT because it's good
NOT because it's intuitive
because designers told us it's good so most idiots say "this is in, it's good"
It's as bad as fucking fashion, for fucks, fucking sakes.

I'm SO over it, websites, phone apps, now phone OS's - everything is going SINGLE colour FLAT, no shading, NO DIVIDING LINES (ARGH) just complete white space (or any other colour)
The new dialler on the Samsung iteration of Lollipop is disgusting. All the numbers are just on one big flat shaded mess.
Forget about what's "cool" forget about aesthetics, tell me which one of these looks easier to hit the fucking numbers on?

It's 19'th level, fucking desk smashingly frustrating. I'm a NERD, I'm a GEEK, I'm a fucking IT guy, I WANT TO DO THINGS AS FAST AS HUMANLY FUCKING POSSIBLE. The only thing holding me back should be my fingers, my computer or my device. I should not be sitting there mentally processing shit because it's obfuscated with poor design.

The textless icon 'fad' (which saves them translation costs) is probably the worst part. It's full spec kitten stamping insanity. I don't give 2 fucks if the wifi icon is ubiquitous, they have now dozens if not hundreds of icons for applications across the world on iOS, android, windows which are fucking meaningless and we're meant to know what they do.
"Well just press them to learn once" NO - a, that could be a bad thing I don't want to do and b, EVERY time I see the icon, I wonder "is that?...." I shouldn't think that. I should see the text too. The more I can instantly relate to the better.
I even think (despite it likely being ugly) that we should be consider using colours more.
Wouldn't it be nice if the 'send' button was always not only a "play" looking icon on my Android device, but it was LABELLED "send" and it was ALWAYS green.
Delete / trash icon? Always a trash bin, ALWAYS labelled with text, ALWAYS red? That's THREE fast things which will help me very very (very!) quickly identify what i want to click.

I tire so much of the 0.4'th of a second it takes my brain to 'double check' if I'm going to press the right thing. Those 0.4'ths wouldn't exist if this shit was done properly.

I apologise for ranting but this stuff is BAD, it's UGLY and it's SHIT and I'm ultra sick of it. It's hipster, flat, bland, wank for the sake of wank and it's costing me time.

One more thing, I no longer work in IT support. It was hard enough as it is when I did it, I couldn't begin to empathise enough with some poor piece of shit helpdesk guy now, who not only has to do that work but tell them "no click the icon that looks like an old cupboard but with 2 circular dials on it, no it's up the top right, no there's no colour, no there's no label, yeah it looks like........" for fucks sake.
Madness, utter madness.
LABEL things
put COLOUR on things
USE DIVIDING LINES - 1 pixel thick lines to separate sections ain't gonna kill anyone

If you work in the UI / UX industry and support this stuff. Kill yourself
No, I mean it, actually kill yourself, you're a scourge on technology.

Comment 3mths on & I'm still having a cry about my hoo (Score 1) 146

https://support.rockstargames.... :/ GTAV on the PS4 drives me fuckin batty, stopped playing it because some idiot in the development team decided to remove an immersive camera option for a gimmicky one.
As for Mt Chilead, I was under the impression there's nothing more to solve, the UFO is the mystery, long since solved.

Comment I've posted this 1312 times (Score 5, Insightful) 147

No more features.
No more features.
No more features.
No more features.
Stability, performance.Stability, performance.
Stability, performance.Stability, performance.

Did I mention Stability, performance?

This goes for Firefox, this goes for Android (VERY much)
Stop assuming there's always more powerful things coming. Stuff has slowed down the last 5 years. I can't believe how slow a modern browser can get on a decent machine. I shouldn't need 8 cores at 4.5ghz with 16gb of DDR4 or something ridiculous like that.

Stop fiddling and start cleaning up.
Oh and Firefox? It's 2015...... native 64bit as default already, for fucks sake.
and this, ASAP. A.S.A.P

Comment Beneficial or not, like it or not, it's coming. (Score 1) 94

I personally see little value in 8k displays under the size of an /entire wall/ of your house.
That being said, in 10 years, who knows, maybe we'll lay a flat, OLED sheet on a black painted wall and.... you know 240" TV?

As for the frame rate, for the /most part/ I see little value in high refresh displays, but there are uses. If this plus is 'open' (no license fee) and powerful, well so be it. The more performance the better.

That being said I did just discover this recenttly
Sigh.... standards? Can we just have fucking one, open, real goddamn powerful one and be done with it?

Comment That's lunacy. (Score 1) 196

I use several addons which are old as heck and not updated, which (god knows how) continue to work in newer versions, example "Tabs menu" for firefox fixes an incredibly stupid omission (like many) in the Firefox UI.

Hopefully this decision is reversed.

Comment Re:not in my tank! (Score 1) 56

Don't quote me on this, because I've not read the article............

That being said, the impression I got, is that biofuel is "grown" in pools or things like that, I believe it captures some of the carbon in the air in the process of creating the stuff.
I'm not (in any way!) suggesting this is perfect but it's surely better than pulling huge deposits of carbon out of the deep ground and re-adding that to the air.

So arguably the more biofuel we grow, the more that's taken out of the air. Yes, burning it creates more but, better than the previous solution.

Comment AMD has HBM coming (Score 1) 114

There's finally a reasonable bump coming this year from cards with a new architecture and using a totally different ram system. Up to 9x higher bandwidth.

I doubt they won't bleed us with slow bumps and increments initially but none the less I suspect the first 'significant bump' in years might occur when these cards come out in the next couple of months. Look to see the 9xx series drop in price if you prefer nvidia - but unless you need an upgrade right now urgently, apply some patience and wait to see what this HBM setup can do.

Comment Re:Google Censorship (Score 1) 155

This person is incorrect and should be moderated down.

Anyone on slashdot will know googles algorithm pretty well, it's very powerful and works exactly how most people would want a search to work, the use of quotation marks the use of the etc - it's robust and logical.

When I search for a porn star INFAMOUS for a scene of having her ass gaped wide open by 3 black men and there's a famous shot of this, when I google her name the VERY FIRST RESULT in images, should be that image - and it used to be!
It might not be nice but that's the facts, that's how it worked and it was bloody useful if you're on an adult material hunt.

Now you would need to put that persons name in, EVEN with safe search off, you will NOT see said image, you'll get a couple of dodgy ones, nothing distinct. You need to specifically type "actress name, ass stretch" or something like that.
Is this a nice topic? No
Are google censoring their old classic algorithm for something more draconian? Yes
Does disabling safe search fix it?
No, definitely not.

There's a 500 page google groups discussion on this very topic, I'm subscribed to it and it is still getting replies 2.5 years on since they made the change.

Finally the person who pointed out this is actually filtering out art, is not only spot on but it's an interesting negative side effect which is not directly related to me finding nasty images.

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