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Comment Re:Oh noes, they yanked your chain (Score 1) 354

It looks like is pretty much in a neglected state now, unfortunately. From the home page: "GreenCine Hot 15 Hottest Titles Jan-Feb '13". If they haven't updated their home page in a year and a half, I wonder...

Let's scan it for Heartbleed. It's still vulnerable to what is arguably the most publicized vulnerability in the history of the internet over three months since the story broke. Whether they still operate or not, I cannot say, but I'm not going to find out by giving them my credit card. :-(

Comment Re: minivan dead? (Score 1) 205

I have an Odyssey, too, and it's pretty good for a mini-van. We got it because dogs, not kids, but many of the use cases are similar.

I do miss my Fusion Hybrid that I traded in for it, though. Pretty car, and I liked paying a lot less for gas.

User Journal

Journal Journal: CthulhuCoin! 2

So this is a thing. It inspired me to write this:

Day 1: A "git clone", "make -f makefile/unix" and I'm off generating Cthulhu Offerings cryptocoins!

Day 2: I managed to find a couple optimizations. It's almost as if the code is speaking to me! Also, switched to clang 5.1 and got an extra 8% performance boost with the LLVM toolchain. Awesome!

Comment Thanks! (Score 1) 4

I love reading these stories. Mine is much simpler: I don't remember it because I was 20 months old at the time. My parents did set me down in front of it on the TV though, so the Apollo 11 landing did play out on my retinas then. My dad took pictures of the TV and I remember seeing the album of it when I was kid. Sadly, I think that album was lost when our basement flooded when I was 20.

I only barely remember the last one (17). And to me it is a travesty that people closing in on 50 (I'm older now than my grandparents were then) have effectively no real memory of the event. I feel like our country had a true opportunity for greatness. But we instead put the bean counters in charge, and anything that couldn't be measured in terms of the Almighty Dollar was irrelevant.

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