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Comment Re:Great, now let's talk filesystems (Score 1) 313

They are hobbyist filesystems, and serious Linux installations use others.

Really? I've been in the field since day one when Linus announced the birth of linux. I've seen thousands of linux systems in the field doing real work. To this day I have never come across a 3rd party file system on linix in the field.

I actually think you have it backwards. All the other filesystems seem to be for hobbyist, because that is all I have ever seen run them.

Comment Re:Rather late (Score 5, Insightful) 313

VBR mp3's are very good, but it isn't FLAC. You don't need superhuman hearing to hear the difference, especially very dynamic music sounds better in FLAC. Hearing the difference becomes easier the better your audio equipment is.

There is another reason to keep your master music source in lossless format. Future recoding. Mp3 are excellent for every day use. I honestly can't tell the difference between high quality mp3's and the original sources.

What people don't realize is that mp3's are on the way out. That is a close to 30 year old format. AAC is the rising star but like mp3 it is a lossy format. So what happens when mp3 is no longer supported? You recode them to the new format.

Recoding mp3 to aac really isn't that big a deal. I can't tell the difference between high quality mp3 to high quality aac recode. But what happens 4 or 5 generations down the road if you keep recoding with lossy formats? Your music sounds like shit eventually.

Flac allows you to keep a master backup in perfect condition to go back to with the recodes. And if your recoding for space on your master source that is bullshit. 3 TB harddrives are around a 150 bucks. That will store a life time of music even in flac format.

Comment Re:Is there hope? (Score 1) 140

As someone with Type 1, I really want to be hopeful about this.....but it seems like we've been 5 years away from a cure for the last 30 years now.

I remember when I was a kid they predicted a cure for diabetes at about 5 years. This was 30 years ago, at least. As the years roll by I hate to sound like a conspiracy theorist but I don't believe they are looking for a cure. But are instead looking for other ways to treat it. There simply is no long term profits in a cure, but treatments are a different story. They can come up with new treatments every day.

This maybe just a continuation of this cycle. Now they have one more drug they can get you on. Just another treatment.

Comment Re:Subpoena-able? (Score 1) 151

Oh, sure there is. Privacy. If I call the police to my house because it's been broken into, that doesn't mean I want the contents of my house to be on youtube. Even moreso for the victims of violent crimes. The police shouldn't be broadcasting people's worst moments for people's entertainment.

That is a very good point, and one I hadn't thought of. I'm not sure this would be a issue though with the number of people I see letting themselves be filmed for worlds dumbest and shows like Cops.

But still it is an issue that would need to be worked out. If they are standing on a public street talking to the cops then filming shouldn't be a issue. Its just when it comes to cops on private property.

Comment Re:Subpoena-able? (Score 2) 151

Transparency is nice

It's not just nice, it should be a requirement. I recently read where cops might start wearing camera's on their uniforms. I don't think it should be might, but required. Another thing that should be required is for police officers guns to start having cameras on them. When the weapon is drawn the camera starts recording so there is no doubt where the weapons was pointed when fired. The data from both these cameras ether be stored on an encrypted ssd card or preferably uploaded over the 3g/lte network in real time.

Then it should be made public via some service like youtube to anyone on the internet. I can understand a vice officer or a detectives being excluded from this but never a uniformed cop. There is never a reason for video from a unformed cameras to not be made public available. If these video's where available like this there would be no question like Michal Brown.

Who watches the watchers? We should.

Comment Re:Wanna put an end to it? (Score 1) 112

I don't believe you understand the full situation. The system is broken as designed. It really donsn't matter which one you vote for, the result is the same. Go back and look at the last 100 years of presidents. Don't look at thier highlights and what the press tells you. Look very deeply and you will see that basically same, with a few minor differences like Nixion and Clinton. The only reason they where held accountable is they where caught with their hands in the cookie jar, or with the smoking cigar, so to say.

If Rommmy would have been elected it would have been the same thing. Slightly different in some ways, probably, but pretty much the same. I doubt that when the Founding Fathers envisioned this land they had a two party system in mind.

You want to reform the system, you can't do it inside the system, you will have to do it outside the system. The only way for that to happen is for the states to call for a constitutional convention. That is where the states and only the states get together and change the constitution. Since it is a state affair the current federal system can't do anything about it but sit back and watch. If enough of the states say "enough of this shit" and pass the appropriate amendments to the consitution there isn't a damn thing the federal government can do about it.

Comment Re:It's Ironic... (Score 1) 265

Ironic that as we move towards a cashless society, cash remains the most secure form of payment. Because no-one's ever been able to steal cash before right?

I believe what he meant to say, don't hold me to this though, is "The more we move towards a cashless society, the more we should be using cash."

Comment Re:Wanna put an end to it? (Score 3, Informative) 112

Next week's your big chance. Use it or lose it... All these "scandals" have been coming fast &furious. Let's see if it means anything. Clean the House, if you want it to. If not, I got a bucket of tomatoes just waiting for the first complainers.

How cute. I used to be this way, believe in the system. They only talk about change and doing what is right around election time. Once they get all the votes its back to business as usual. Look at O'bama. Promised change but what we got was pretty much more of the same and then some.

The system isn't gong to change till elected official can be held legally accountable for the laws they sponsor and vote on. If a elected official could be fined, lose his office, or even be jailed for sponsoring a bill that is later found to be unconstitutional then things would change. When ever the government does something unconstitutional against a citizen, someone should held accountable.

Comment Re:Not a chance (Score 1) 631

I'm never allowing that again. I don't care about the final solution, but it is never going to be to give anyone access to my bank account. I personally think CurrentC will fail because it's not what Apple or Google wants, but whatever, they can all duke it out.

Damn straight. Once I let a insurance company set up auto drafts from my bank account with the checking account numbers so I could get a discount. They naturally decided that I wasn't paying them enough and extracted 4 times the amount the next time. Took a letter from a lawyer to get my money back, and 3 months.

Never again. I will not use CurrentC for anything. If I can't swipe a card and run it as credit I take my business else where. I also will not use apple pay, but that is because I don't own a iphone.

Comment Re:Remove It (Score 1) 522

Yes text log files are very handy, and just like with SysV you can run syslog on top of systemd just like you did before when you ran syslog on top of SysV. Amazing isn't it!

Then your wasting even more space by keeping both binary and ascii logfiles on the same system. One of the key reasons that someone put forth to have them in the first place. Binary logfiles are smaller than ascii. Which is a case I'm not really sure of any way. But now you have both the binary AND the ascii files now thus completely negating one reason to have them in the first place.

I want even bother to talk about having two systems in place anyway. Just skip the whole thing and do away with the one that nobody really wants in the first place.

Comment Re:Remove It (Score 4, Insightful) 522

yes, so export the binary file to text files.. not difficult

A completely unnecessary step.

An one that might be impossible if the server has promptly stuck its thumb up its ass and won't boot. Then add that you are a junior system admin that doesnt' know how to do that. But you know enough to boot the system with a rescue disk so you can mount the drive and then ftp the log files some place where you can mail them to your boss at 2 am. Who might just reach through the network and strangle you because you took down his porn server anyway.

Not everything speaks binary log files, but just about everything speaks ascii. Log files are in ascii on purpose. So you can read them with the minimal tools and not have to fight the system to get to them.

Just because you can do something, doesn't mean you should. That applies to binary log files.

Comment Re:Remove It (Score 4, Insightful) 522

Exactly. Text log files allow you to pull them off the damaged system and examine them on another system. Many times the system that you have to examine them on won't be a linux system. The other day I had to examine a log file that my co worker sent to me on my phone.

If it had been a binary log file, I would have had to get off the toilet, get dress, and find a compatible system to decode the log files on. Maybe even spin up a VM to do it in.

I was able to tell her the boot params to boot up the box with out leaving my seat. Fuck binary log files.

Comment Re:Remove It (Score 4, Informative) 522

Oh horse shit! Binary logs are the biggest crock of shit to blow out someones ass since Windows ME. Pure text log files can be parsed with the same system tools that come with all linux distributions. I'm talking grep, awk, and sed. An you really adventurous, perl.

All the excuses that I've seen for keeping this foul system are bullshit!

Comment Re:Why didn't they just ask Federico Faggin? (Score 3, Interesting) 167

This is what I came in here to say. They guy who designed the chip is still alive. Just shoot him a email, phone call, or smoke signals and just ask him.

I'm going to go out on a limb here and say there is probably a logical reason behind the arrangement and not some conspiracy or something.

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