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Comment Re:Ungreatful Cunt (Score 1) 214

It also requires luck to "be" a character, as you say it.

That's bunk. I takes a lot of hard work and training to be an actor. A portion of it is developing a good sense of observation and another portion of it is figuring out how to translate what you observe into how you behave. That's why there's a such thing as shitty actors, not everybody gets that.

If another moderately capable voice actor got the role when the casting was done, we'd think He is the only actor that can do justice to the role.

Actually that's what happened. Chris Latta, otherwise known as Starscream and Cobra Commander, was the original voice of Montgomery Burns. If he hadn't have passed away, you're right, he may have kept the role.

Here's the problem with your logic: Don't you think that if it was that easy to swap people out they would have dropped Shearer long before he started making millions in the role?

Incidentally top Japanese voice actors get paid much less, and just look at how much more "anime" gets produced, rather than just a few notable American cartoons.

Not particularly relevant, here. Do you really think there's just no more room for prime-time animated comedies? Stop and ponder for a bit where the money to pay the voice actors millions per year comes from and why they'd actually earn it, then ask yourself how that applies to anime.

Comment Re:Ungreatful Cunt (Score 2) 214

Here's a fun fact: There are union rules about how many characters one can do for a show. I don't know what the actual limit is but it's something like this: You get paid for every three characters you play.

This came about because some voice actors have the diversity to play so many roles they could practically voice it themselves. You'll notice in the Star Trek Animated series that James Doohan played a shit-ton of roles on it. The idea was to level the playing field a bit by not making it cost effective to use only one-man-bands.

I don't think that's why Shearer was earning that much money, though. I think it's because he's behind so many distinct characters that his departure will leave a notable absence in the show. Well... that and that particular show still generates a shit-ton of revenue for Fox. Right now they're opening up a Springfield attraction at Universal Studios so you can go to Moe's Tavern. Lots of money changed hands to make that happen. There's still plenty of love for that show.

Comment Re:Ungreatful Cunt (Score 1) 214

Yet, be able to cry on cue or throw a ball and you'll never have financial issues ever again.

The reason you never have financial issues again is that you're doing something that is making people sit up and spend money on it. You personally, as a TV watcher or a video streamer or a movie renter or whatever, have contributed to this and for some reason you didn't have an issue with it then.

I'm not really sure what you're bitching about.

Comment Re:Ungreatful Cunt (Score 5, Insightful) 214

Oh right. Because voice-over requires so much "smart"s. And talent?

Yes, it does. It doesn't matter what luck you get, being able to 'be' a character requires talent. If you don't believe me why don't you get on a microphone and do a passable impression of Mr. Burns reading a scene from Hamlet. There might be 14 million in it for you!

That we even pay such stupid amounts of money for such stupid "work" is itself retarded. We are a fucked up society.

Actually what society is showing is that they value uniqueness. That isn't fucked up at all. In fact, that can work to your benefit... if you actually try.

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