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The History of Easter Candy 261

tanagra writes "The days are longer, the sun is brighter, the colors are rich, and the candies are pastel. It's springtime once again, and in celebration of its triumphant return we enter into the saccharin sanctity of a world filled with Marshmallow Peeps, Jelly Beans, and other well packaged bits of sweetness sure to bring about a sugar-induced coma. Join us as we delve into the delectable not-so-distant past of Easter candy and learn, among other things, just how Marshmallow Peeps came to rule the world."
User Journal

Journal Journal: Why do we want Martha Stewart to fail? 5

I've decided to start writing in my journal. I've always found the Comments section of slashdot to be the most interesting. But, unfortunately, I only get to read the diverse thoughts of the slashdot crowd on a rather narrow set of topics. I often find that I'm interested in hearing what other intelligent individuals have to say about other non-tech issues. I'm hoping that by writing down some of my thoughts that I can generate some discussion on these topics.

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