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Comment Re:This is worthless. (Score 3, Informative) 323

I think you are confusing standards with the real world.

Your device is constantly beaconing to the entire world around it, what networks it knows - and it will often quite happily connect to annyone claiming to be that home network, enabling for all sorts of fun snooping attacks.

Go lookup creepyDOL network and the presentation for same from Def Con.

Comment Re:War of government against people? (Score 1) 875

How is it, you think that you can disprove something with the same argument, that you used to say can't be used for proving?

I live in a Country where guns are banned, and you know what? Crime with guns are exceedingly rare; they are hard to come by and aren't needed - if you want to rob someone, chances are they aren't carrying any kind of weapon and will give up their cash without problems.

Now obviously you paranoid 'Muicans will think that this is a bad thing, allowing yourself getting robbed - but truth is, we have lower crime rate than you guys *and* when someone does get robbed and choose to fight, they have a way better chance of survival than your gun shot victims.

By the ways, those "statistics" you mention, they are from the same period of time, where lead was dropped from gasoline, which has been *shown* to cause aggression and violence.

Comment Re:"and climate change deniers tout that" (Score 1) 298

And you just showed your ignorance in a marvelous combo.

It's a misconception that people thought the world was flat - we have known it to be round since the ancient greeks.

And predictions coming true? Well you are sort of correct, they aren't exactly coming true as actual events tend to happen a whole lot quicker and worse than IPCC predicts.

Comment Re:Encryption (Score 0) 220

Lately PHK has become more and more derailed. If you ever follow him on his local Danish blogs, he has gone totally off the rail - claiming all sorts of weird things, from major conspiracies to some far fetched claims against the EU.

Comment Re:Why I Prefer Dumb Displays (Score 1) 221

There are 9 regions for DVDs, there are probably at least 5-10.000 network operators world wide and you need a profile for whatever operator you want to use.

For countries with bad coverage (like the US), you are going to have multiple profiles and sim cards for a TV to ensure coverage (and even then, you are going to have a bad time).

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