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Comment Accomplishments (Score 2, Insightful) 534

I'd rather mark time by setting achievable goals, and then reaching those goals.
Life is especially sweet when various tasks/goals are convergent upon some bigger accomplishment, larger than its parts.
When you understand where you are and what you're doing, only then can you anticipate what might be next. The cone of reality is always advancing. Once a moment has passed through the funnel, it's gone. Let it go, keep moving, be better prepared for the next moment in time.

Comment Sleep Data Sleep (Score 2, Informative) 685

My bit of advice, from a former chronic "all nighter".
Don't sleep at your desk. Find a spot to catch those 2 or 3 hours of sleep before sunrise.
I preferred to sleep behind the big environmental units (AC + dehumidifier). The loud buzzzzzz of the unit was a lullaby to me. And sleeping on the floor was better than sleeping in a chair head in arms on desk, neck pain ow.

Comment Re:From years in the trenches... (Score 1) 855

--I have one co-worker whom I have to explain, on the order of once a week, how you map to a shared drive. She writes it down *every time* and still has to have me help her the next week. Each time, she claims she's done what she wrote down, and it doesn't work. I do the exact same thing, and it does work.

Dude!!! She likes you!! Learn to take a hint and got for it.

Comment Re:tag: appleispants (Score 1) 288

Ahhh! Well that is .... underwhelming.
I had assumed it was derived from the Simpsons. I believe it is the Canyonero episode, with Krusty playing the part of a George Carlin-type comic. Homer is in the audience and shouts: "Don't you hate pants??!?!?".

So, saying "x is pants", means you hate "x".
But you had to burst my bubble. Bah! the heck with you guys, you're all pants. I'm sticking with my interpretation.
It's funny.  Laugh.

Submission + - American Academy of Religon to discuss FSM

sbillard writes: The American Academy of Religion is set to discuss the Flying Spaghetti Monster (FSM) at their annual meeting this weekend in San Diego. The FSM, now a college campus celebrity and internet sensation was first brought to us in a letter to the Kentucky school board after they mandated consideration for Intelligent Design in Science class curriculum. While largely acknowledged as a joke, the academy will discuss some of the legitimate aspects of FSM as a religion, and as an adequate criticism of religion. What is religion? When does a clan or cult officially cross the line and become a religion? At what point does religious belief stop being beneficial to an individual or to a society and start to cause more problems than it solves?
Have you been touched by his noodly appendage?

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