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Comment Re:GCHQ Does Something Retarded (Score 1) 68

The C1 is pretty impressive but the Raspberry Pi Model 2 also has quad core ARM V7 and 1GB of RAM now. I might pick up a C1 to play with though, it has some neat stuff. It's the first $35 board I've seen that actually seems as good or better than the Rpi. I'd say the community around the pi might make it a better choice still. I picked up a couple of the Pi A+ boards and camera modules and for $45 dollars for the combo it's hard to beat for surveillance cameras. The A+ uses next to nothing in the way of power as well. I've been blown away by it and it fits in a damn Altoids tin. :)

Comment Re:This sucks. (Score 2) 299

I have no problem with people offing themselves. I reserve the right myself. I fully intend to leave this world before I go through a long miserable painful disease that leaves me unable to enjoy life. I do have a problem with euthanasia which is something else entirely. Suicide is killing yourself, not having someone else do it for you. He had an opportunity to kill himself but waited until he was unable to. Got to be proactive.

Comment Re:Baking political correctness in society (Score 4, Insightful) 367

It's a bipartisan issue. The liberals want to ban things they don't like and so do the conservatives. Free speech is fine as long as you don't say things that aren't acceptable. I remember that people used to have much thicker skin though about 4 or 5 decades ago. Now if you hurt someone's feelings it's the end of the world. I'm pretty sure the world wont end with a bang or a whimper but a whine.

Comment Re:Ah...BBC..! (Score 1) 356

I see your point about giving bad people a venue to air their views. As horrid as hearing that was I feel it's important for everyone to understand why things like this happen. It's this viewpoint that women are possessions (however precious) that must be changed. It's the idea that because a woman doesn't conform to some idea or standard that she is nothing and can be used, killed and tossed to the side of the road that is dangerous. A lot of times people who may think that way, when they see someone like this mouthing the same viewpoint they hold they will see how it looks and hear how it sounds. Many times it will make them think on these ideas and realize how wrong it is. Without the dialogue you can't really get results and ultimately without an open forum for expression of ideas you can't really have freedom. Ultimately I believe you can count on people watching this to be revolted just as you and I were. I looked at the peer list on the torrent for this film and I notice that over half the peers I see there are from India. I hope that this film helps to open eyes. Ultimately before a wound can heal it has to be cleaned and that process is usually very painful. So sad to see such a bright and wonderful woman snuffed out of existence. Having a daughter of my own and 4 grand daughters I hope that this kind of evil will one day be eradicated.

Comment Re:Just learn to program (Score 1) 144

Everything has to start somewhere. While learning CPR doesn't make you a doctor it does give you a basic life saving skill. Learning to code in something like Scratch doesn't make you a professional programmer but it does give you a set of tools to solve certain problems with. From there it's a matter of expanding your knowledge and developing skills.

Comment Re:The debate is over (Score 1) 367

Don't go using logic against the government. They don't play that shit. This is the same crazy fucking government that holds terrorists in containment for over a decade and instead of putting them against a wall and shooting them turns them loose to go back and join ISIS and start back on the terror thing. Logic isn't part of their repertoire.

Comment Re:Ah...BBC..! (Score 1) 356

To play along with your narrative then let me just say that trying to ban this documentary plays right into the hands of the people trying to put India into a negative light. The proper response would be to say that those guys were tried and convicted and that the government is attempting to fix attitudes and put an end to this type of behavior. Banning the documentary sends the message that instead of fixing the problem it's getting swept under the rug. Honestly from what I've read a lot of progress has been made and I do applaud this but trying to ban this documentary is not only futile but harmful as well.

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