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Comment Re:Hmm... (Score 1) 1094

But there's this thing called inflation. A dollar is only worth what it will buy. If wages are artificially jacked up then you can expect prices to react as labor costs are passed along. You do realize that someone has to pay those wages and those funds are limited? Only the Federal government gets to legally print money.

Comment Re:Minimum Wage (Score 5, Insightful) 1094

Real jobs don't pay minimum wage. Where I live one can survive on twelve dollars an hour. It's not fun but you can get by and even have cable tv. I'm glad to see LA jack up the minimum wage and I hope all those other cities in Cali do the same. It'll help solve the water shortage problem there as jobs migrate away from the state and the people follow. I occasionally watch some of these real estate shows that have people choosing from between different houses in places like LA and San Francisco and am blown away by the real estate prices there. For what you can buy here for less than 100 grand it often will cost half a million or more there. My electric bill here runs about $100 to $300 dollars depending on the season, a months water bill (including trash pickup) is usually around $30. The mortgage on my 3 bedroom 2000 square foot house is $590 including taxes and insurance. A dollar here is not equal to a dollar in LA.

Comment Re:Only Two Futures? (Score 1) 609

I'm a little sick of the whole abortion debate. I'd count myself nominally anti-abortion although not to the point of trying to actually outlaw it. I'd really just like it to become mostly unnecessary instead of being used as a form of retroactive birth control which it by and large is. Still and all forcing women to have children they neither want nor are able to care for is not a good solution. It saddens me that in this modern day and age we still have so many people getting pregnant when they supposedly don't want to be. It's wasteful, stupid and cruel. Maybe the pro-abortion and anti-abortion people could come together (not all of course because a lot of both sides are a little nutty) and work on solutions that will make this holocaust unnecessary. Instead we have people on both sides that for political reasons want us throwing rocks at each other.

Comment Re:All about tha Benjamins (Score 1) 143

Wrong. It's drug possession with intent to distribute that gets your stuff taken. Simply sweating microscopic amounts of chemicals doesn't qualify. Hell, unless you're out of jail on probation they can't do a fucking thing to you. It does qualify as a violation of probation in most instances.

Comment Re:Yeah, disappointing (Score 1) 776

I do know one guy that had to go through a lot of legal hoopla to get custody of his child despite the fact his ex-wife's boyfriend was running a methlab out of her trailer. He did get custody though and she ended up having to pay child support although she is a few thousand dollars behind right now.

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