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A New Use For Drones: Traffic Scouting 144

Nerval's Lobster writes "Renault's new concept car gives drivers an unusual companion: a small flying drone, controllable via tablet or preset GPS waypoints, which scans the area ahead for obstacles and traffic. The so-called 'flying companion' can exit the vehicle via a retractable hatch in the roof, and buzz around the immediate vicinity shooting video and photos; as this is a concept, actual hardware and software specs aren't available, although Renault's engineers envision something closer to the size of a small bird than some of the larger drones currently available. But how practical is a 'driving drone'? Considering all the accidents caused by people texting or Web-surfing while driving, it seems questionable to introduce a piece of hardware that could prove even more distracting—imagine trying to successfully guide a drone with touch-screen controls while navigating a fast-paced roadway, and you can see why the idea of a "flying companion" would raise the collective blood pressure of traffic-safety officials. Yes, it would be safer for a passenger to handle drone-flying duties while the driver concentrates on the road; but it's also a near-certainty, if such a concept ever went into production, that more than one driver would attempt to multi-task the navigation of two vehicles at once. Do you think this idea is feasible?"

Comment Re:Sweet Baby Jesus (Score 1) 120

I have in the date boxes, the number of matching events/groups in the calendar view... should make that more apparnt currently (other than the number) it lightens the date shading.

You aren't really seeing the depth yet, though if you go say to an event, you can click to the venue and get the contact details or from the event (or the event host, if listed) events can list participants (entertainers/caterers/vendors, etc) which will then also cross-list back to that event on thier info pages. Beyond dates it also lists any local services, business and groups and those cross lists when one local producer's products are sold at another local business. Indicates if they are open now, etc. Also everything is geocoded, so from an event, you can touch to do a nearby listing or search of other events/businesses/services/groups, etc.

Noithing I've seen has gone into the detail or work as easily I have done so far.

Comment Re:Sweet Baby Jesus is such a nice guy (Score 1) 120

Ok maybe I need add roundy corners. Ahh, 'vertical' spacing... got it.
well, actually most everything is a link except the back button and submit for the forms... Most are denoted with a shaded background (work in progress) Its not the standard pardigm, but I think the effect works. Time will tell.

Comment Re:Sweet Baby Jesus (Score 1) 120

You mean I have to style the BROWSE, HAPPENING, CALENDAR, and HELP to look more like buttons?
Your handy (even on your smartphone) local search
for places, shopping, events and services
in Amador, Calaveras & Tuolumne Counties!

Not sure what to search for?
then click "Browse" or "Happening"!
seems to list the area.. guess I should add California to that (you know, there are a bunch of places called Portland...?).. but I do suggest what to click.

I'll get exporting (not sure about importing, most folks up here arent that tech savvy) and all that goodness in there eventually. I've been getting the data structure and some ease of use stuff settled first.
I'm looking at the other suggestions on this post.

Will look over yours later on and send ya some feedback.

Comment Re:it's been twenty years, or forty (Score 1) 120

> I have no interest in being told about all of the events near to me. Quite the opposite, actually.

Well, then that's just you, move along. :-)

People visinting a place would reqally like to know what's going on while they are there, not afterwards. Around here getting the word out usually entails the printing and distribution of printed materials (papers, flyers, etc. Not very efficient. Web calendars help if you have web access... again, not no one thing works for everyone.

Comment Re:it's been twenty years, or forty (Score 1) 120

I would think its been more like most of recodrded history. at least :-D

A one size fits all calendar would be a nightmare to cover the myrad of applicartions for keeping and tracking time/events.
Also as with most software the world outpaces the original design regularly, and software needs to adapt to new ideas and trends (responsive/minimalist design, phone friendly interface, etc.)

20 years ago we didnt have iphone with GPS and mobile web, facebook, etc.

As Sonny and Cher put it - The beat goes on.

Comment Re:Sweet Baby Jesus (Score 1) 120

Yeah I have realized, people won't return to your information site just because its pretty, only if provides what they need. I'm not overly worried about the look as long as its informative, easy to understand, and quick use.

I guess the biggest missing point I see is location, need to add something that to locate the user, and better orient them.

Comment My work in progress (Score 2) 120

I've been working on such a thing for a smaller scale for just three rural counties. Most of the calendars I've come across are modules in CMSs like Drupal or Joomla, way overkill for a platform and the calendar detail presentation sucks as well as the user entry. Most programmers don't try to understand events.

There are also some web event services out there that are more wide ranging like eventsetter... but they supplement with a lot of ads and you only find a few trees in the global forest of data.

The challenges are (beyond responsive/mobile design and data structure)

- Making a user friendly form where the submission could be directly used by the calendar... I've concluded most of them are useless for the general public (especially here - we may soon crawl out of dialup in some remote parts of our counties!). So the main input is just a text area (preloaded with what needs to be included), which I transcribe into the real form on the admin side. This could be a lot of work for folks doing this for a large suburb, but the results are better as you can standardize the content as you transcode.

- Getting people to submit data. This might be a case of having to get traction before it gets going but even then, people are lazy, even if the 'add info' buttons are in plain sight on just about every page. Currently I do 95% of entries.

So, here's mine - been on-line about six months now (to get a better idea of events go to the calendar, back to december and view, was alot going on then). It also includes a community directory of groups, businesses services and other locations with mucho cross-referencing between those and the events calendar.

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