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Comment Re:Renewable versus fossil - where is nuclear? (Score 1) 292

I assume it is lined with a substance that is not corroded by salt - rather limiting I imagine. However, it looks like they had one running quite well back in the 60s. I had recalled it as being sooner than that but I was mistaken. I had watched a number of talks and even found a real documentary about LSTRs at one point. I have been reading and learning about the process for about a year now but am, by no means, an expert. There are lots of potential benefits, such as no chance of a runaway reactor, no waste that is harmful, nearly unlimited supply, etc...

Sure, there are lots of other things that can be done. Why not do them in tandem? Why not generate excess power to be prepared for future demands? Why limit ourselves to any one thing? It, in and of itself, is not going to save the planet. However, it can help and what is wrong with that?

Comment Re:Price is a second order function (Score 1) 292

Most do manage it, some with more tries than others. You do not watch (I am not the only spectator - it is quite a bit of amusement for the folks in the area and more fun than it sounds like) for the almost-misses. You watch for the spectacular failures. Some are legendary and are still discussed in the local general store. "You remember that time when Chuck first moved into town and tried to put his bass boat in down at the lake..." And the story begins...

Also, remove some Rs from that and insert an ayuh after a brief pause. Maybe several of the latter.

And no, no I do not have that much faith in humanity or their ability to pilot an automobile even without a trailer. It just is not something I have faith in after experiencing as much idiocy on the highways as I have.

Comment Re:Goodbye free speech (Score 1) 210

How can you tell? Just because the plaintiff says so? Some of those reviews look legit and yes a few look fake. I notice he doesn't complain about the obviously fake good reviews (how does a company in Cali get a positive review from a teen in New Jersey.)

If the images are anything to go by, then one of them is a Hasidic Jew from Israel, another is an actress in Chicago, and another is some guy in New York.

Unless they aren't, in which case their picture icons are being used in violation of Copyright, unless they have written permission from the image owners...

Comment Re:Obvious (Score 1) 195

Your name reminds me of a pertinent story. When I was younger I had a midlife crisis. I bought a, then new, Dodge Viper. It was great for a guy who had recently been divorced. Until my kids moved in with me.

Anyhow, it had nothing nor could I order it with anything. It had a number of gauges. It had NO radio - it did not even have a slot to put in a radio nor did it have speaker slots to put speakers. Instead you listened to the engine. And it was beautiful. I paid much more attention to driving in that car than I paid in any other car (and I am a bit of a car buff as is evidenced by my many car stories - I always have a car analogy) and I think the reason for this was the car was just too damned much fun to not pay attention to driving and, secondly, there were no non-function related distractions in the car other than an occasional college chick.

The bad part is that it was my only car and the payments and insurance were pretty intense for that period of my life. I ended up selling it. I kind of wish I had it back again. The kids moved in with me, Daddy has the best toys, and I bought a 9-5 wagon. That car, not the wagon, and I had some great (and scary) times together.

Anyhow, I suspect it is not just HUD that is the problem but distraction that is the problem. You are paying attention when you are doing the Axl Rose Shuffle, on purpose, in a snow storm but you are not paying nearly as much attention when you are cruising down the highway and just passed your 600th mile of driving today. You are also likely paying less attention when you are playing some sort of simulation on a computer, regardless of what the researchers ask of you, because the penalty for failing to notice something is not nearly as high as it is when you are driving. Also, I tend to pay more attention when I am driving too fast or driving off-road. I live in the middle of nowhere so I can get away with it to some extent but I still am much more attentive and even tend to change my driving position before doing so.

Comment Re:If you can't keep your eyes on the ROAD (Score 1) 195

I just recently ordered a bespoke 640Li that has ~650 HP and it is not loud, at all. Well, no. It is not built yet. I test drove a similar model (I was quite pleased that they let me take it for a full weekend) that was barely different and it had a beautiful exhaust note and was hardly loud by any stretch. Even when I gave it lots of dead dinosaur guts it was not loud. I did, mostly, obey the speed limits. It is not my vehicle to trash.

Comment Re:Does Uber need executives in France? (Score 1) 334

Why the hell would anyone want to win a left testicle? I am not sure we should take advice from you. Your testicle has value only to you and, perhaps, your SO. I mean, really, it is not even a pair of testicles. This is not a bet I would take because I do not want to be the winner. How am I to explain it to the mailman when he delivers a bloody package containing your testicle?

Comment Re:Price is a second order function (Score 1) 292

One of my favorite yearly activities is coming up. I sometimes do it on Memorial Day but I missed it this year and so I will do it on the 4th of July weekend. I go down to Rangely and go to the public boat landing. I sit there, eat, and usually quietly observe. It is so much fun to watch the idiots try to back their boat trailers into the water... I have seen them jackknife and ruin the boat and cause extensive damage to their vehicles. I love watching this. I go, literally, every year to see it.

Are you certain you want the guy with a midlife crisis, and not someone with experience, driving around with a trailer as often as would likely happen in your scenario? I do... I will enjoy the videos and real-life experiences. I will have a great time watching someone try to parallel park or get through traffic. It will amuse me to no end. However, I am an asshole. Are you certain you really want to see this mayhem? I do, so I support your idea.

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