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Comment Re:Where's my C# version? (Score 1) 187

Seriously? Are you claiming that the latest installment of Linux is safer when it comes to malware than Windows. If you claim that you are an ignorant idiot. Windows 7 as an operating system is significantly better protected than Linux

I think what he means is that a well configured linux box with an intelligent user is more secure than a well configured windows box with an intelligent user, because as an open source system you can verify everything youre using for security holes whereas with windows Microsoft ignores open vulnerabilities until their business case/profits are threatened, Microsoft doesnt give you a personal line to the developer

Comment Re:"acts of war" (Score 1) 128

Maybe. But they are running out of white elephants. They need a new enemy, and they need a new one NOW! How else are they going to justify the 2014 budget? Crackers / Hackers / Hacktivists (bleh!) are one of those groups that people don't really understand (like Muslims, Chinese, etc.)

Ignoring relatively electronically secure infrastructure like nuclear reactors that actually aren't connected to the Internet (and shouldn't be), if an electronic enemy could knock out all VPN connections in the USA then the US economy would be devastated - all the working from home people would be locked out of their systems, this in itself would cause maybe billions of dollars of damages. For this reason alone the expense is justified.

Comment Re:crop circles (Score 1) 248

If an extraterrestrial civilisation is so far advanced to be able to travel the vast distances, then the chances are very probable that they could learn absolutely nothing by studying us and wouldn't waste their time to even visit

In the same way that we sit and listen to old sixties music and take our children to zoos where uneducated animals just play around, perhaps the aliens bring their children into Earth orbit to show them us?

Comment Re:crop circles (Score 1) 248

Those people saw man-made craft, natural phenomenon or were hallucinating. "UFO" just means unidentified flying object, not extraterrestrial.

Dude, read the GP's article, President Harry Truman was called up and told something like "Look we got tonnes of UFOs out here what do you want us to do Mr President?"

Comment Re:crop circles (Score 1) 248

more accurate to use a blindfold and pins on a galactic map rather then rely on crop circles of which many have been proved to be hoaxes [] :)

The article states 10,000 crop circle cases, even the entire US army working continuously couldn't create that many crop circles - not at least whilst keeping it secret, Area 51 has people on TV saying they did this and that despite the fact it's such a small facility, so crop circles should have at least 100 people on tape with blacked out faces and disguised voices to protect their identity confessing to everything, where are they?

Comment Re:crop circles (Score 1) 248

Right, because people couldn't navigate before there was GPS. And lets not forget that all soldiers learn how to navigate with a map and a compass in basic, and other school during their career give them refreshers. Even in the Navy they still navigate the old fashioned way, using GPS to verify their chart plotting. Same with the Air Force.

Yup a good EMP blast would knock out any GPS so map/compass is necessary

Comment Re:crop circles (Score -1, Offtopic) 248

So the aliens are coming down to Earth from hundreds of light years away, and leaving hints in crop circles about what planets they are coming from instead of just saying hi?

It's either that or talk to the US President who's responsible for the deaths of 150,000 humans in Iraq, I wouldn't travel 100,000 light years to speak to a murderer.

Comment Most coders cant code (Score 1) 948

Im at doing a C# evening course and most of the people there have at least 10 years experience coding for aerospace, private sector, mobile handsets, etc and all apart from me are having trouble in Lecture 2 out of 10 implementing bubblesort after being given the algorithm in pseudocode. Coding is a very rare skill, even given the garbage collection and stuff in c#

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