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Comment Re:It's in the fine article - download "crack" (Score 2) 180

So it's a parasite feeding on cheapskate spammers. I'm not sure whether to get annoyed with them or give them a medal.

They're feeding on them for the purpose of sending still more spam, and meanwhile, the software will send out the spam the spammers are actually intending to send out. So, if you give them a medal, be sure to accelerate it appropriately in the process.

Comment Sounds like a good argument (Score 1) 286

They also point to management audits from the 1990s and 2000s that found the summit area was being mismanaged by the University of Hawaii and state government and say those issues should be resolved before any more telescopes are built.

That sounds like a pretty damned good argument to me, by itself. Is the summit area currently being mismanaged? Or were those audits merely cash grabs themselves? Surely someone knows more, given the backgrounds of readers of this site. Unless they've all been scared off by now between beta, auto-playing videos, and slashverdicements.

Comment Re:Dumb stuff (Score 4, Interesting) 628

I'm not saying whether it's a good idea or a bad one, but isn't the fact that it's a defacto standard, sort of the objectors' point? Yes, you're right: it's a long-established tradition, with deep roots going back to when the computer room was a total sausagefest.

That's why it's not a problem. It wasn't chosen to be offensive.

Changing the culture is an explicit part of a lot of peoples' agenda, because nobody really likes the damn computer room sausagefest (we just don't know what to do about it, which is why I really have no idea whether or not the picture is really a problem).

It's not a problem, and I know what to do about it! In this particular case, anyway. Just add in a similar photograph of a man's face, cropped from a similar and equivalent picture of a man. People photograph men, too. Sometimes with no clothes on. Yes, I know, it's shocking, but it's true. Men aren't as likely to wear makeup, so you can take the opportunity to talk about the differences in processing of the two classes of image instead of pretending that there are no differences between men and women at all.

Comment Re:I agree with TFA (Zug) (Score 2, Insightful) 628

Is everything black or white for you, no intermediate shades?

The slippery slope is not a fallacy, it's a real thing and once you slide down one, it's a long trip back up.

However, it is easy to see how a sexualized image sends a certain message to men and women in an STEM environment.

Yeah, and that message is "sex is not evil, contrary to what your child-raping priest may have said"

Comment Re:She has a point. (Score 1) 628

Yes, at some point they will learn that. But high school CS class is not the appropriate place. The instructor should focus on image processing algorithms,

Hey, you know what a lot of people take pictures of? Pretty girls, maybe including their faces, maybe their whole body with their clothes off. Nobody who's going to actually work on image processing algorithms used in the real world on general cases is going to get out of using a massive corpus of nudes, pun intended, or at least images which feature mostly skin.

If you're discussing image processing, the only subject more worthy of consideration is either a landscape, or someone doing something embarrassing while drunk. Or these days, some thot material.

Comment Re:She has a point. (Score 4, Insightful) 628

Computer vision scientist here.Yes, I've taught such a practical as a postdoc, so no I had no control over the content. Yes Lena was used. Sooner or later someone figures out where the image is from and everyone, well the guys, all have a good laugh.

So yes it does create a hostile environment. [...] I look forward to receiving replies on how my actual real personal experience was somehow wrong.

Not wrong, you just leapt to the wrong conclusion. It's not the picture that creates a hostile environment. It's bullshit puritan attitudes towards sexuality that you, right now, are helping to promote.

Comment Re:Dear Young Mr Zug (Score 1) 628

If this offends a girl, she has a problem, not the photo. Its a head shot. A face. She has to look at the exact same thing in the mirror every fucking day.

It's not like the full image is something she hasn't seen, either. It's not like it's hardcore. It's "oh noes I saw someone else naked". But why is that a problem? Nothing you've ever seen is a problem for you unless you can't get it out of your head. But that's only a problem with horrific imagery, right? Well, that and stuff you find particularly appealing. So as always, this is just about some people who are afraid they might be gay.

Comment Re:Dear Young Mr Zug (Score 5, Insightful) 628

Yes, that image had a nice run, but we live in different times, with lots of girls attending CS classes, not just 99-percentile types like Grace Hopper. Use a different image.

I love how it's supposedly progressive to be conservative now.

Here's the news flash you've apparently missed: it doesn't matter what gender you are, or which gender you're being prudish about. If you've bought into this bullshit about sexuality being inherently profane, you're part of the problem — and sadly, pathetically brainwashed besides. It doesn't matter if it's the SNAGs or the Feminists or the causeheads or the insufferably religious that told you that it was bad, and that war is peace, ignorance is strength, and to fear your own wabbly bits, but don't try to promote your puritan morality all over me. Or put another way, keep your Jesus off my penis.

It's disgusting that sexuality is so maligned that a completely innocuous image is considered inappropriate simply because it is cropped from another image which should not be considered offensive. People keep trying to show that pornography is harmful, and they keep failing to do so even when that is their agenda. Let it go!

Comment Re:It took 5 years? (Score 4, Insightful) 180

However, that doesn't change the reality that the "many eyes" claim is a myth,

What? No, no it is not. The fact is that many bugs and vulnerabilities are found because of "many eyes", while we have to wait for either a vendor or a malicious attacker to find and announce vulnerabilities in closed-source software. Nobody credible ever claimed that "many eyes" makes FOSS invulnerable to bugs, back doors, etc. The claim is that it makes it less vulnerable, through better practice. Now, if you can provide a citation that shows this is false, I'll show you a paper full of lies — because a comparison is impossible, because the code we most care about isn't available for analysis and comparison. Without the code for the massive and common operating systems and packages which users commonly run, you can't actually make a meaningful comparison.

So, since we can't prove the claim either way, but we certainly have plenty of evidence that it does work that way since many eyes do in fact often find flaws through code analysis of FOSS but those many eyes do not find flaws in code analysis of closed-source software due to lack of availability. Therefore, the onus of proof is on you — if you want to show that something behaves counterintuitively, you're going to have to prove it.

Comment That's not how it works (Score 1, Redundant) 234

AT&T declined to answer the LA Times questions about why AT&T didn't spot the problem itself and proactively take steps to fix things?

Yeah, that's not how it works. My sleazebag WISP (Digital Path) claims they have extensive uptime monitoring, so they should know when you have internet access and they could bill you accordingly, right? But they base their uptime on the link state, so if the link to your mountain is down (they bring in access from something like four mountaintops away, hop hop hop hop) but your link to your mountain is up (the PoPs are on mountaintops, obviously) then their logging says your connection is good when in fact you couldn't access the internet — and that's the basis on which they will bill you if you call and complain about extensive downtime. Billing, however, happens like clockwork every month. My internet connection is down all the time, but billing is never late.

They don't give one fuck about you, and unless forced to act like it, they surely won't. They just want your money.

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