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Comment Re:I'll bet the effect is very mild. (Score 1) 187

although I always found it rather pleasant as it helps ignore pain as much as anything else.

That's pretty much what morphine does to me. It does very little to reduce the pain, but it makes me completely not care about it. That, and throw up a lot, like most narcotics do with me. For the life of me I can't understand how people get addicted to the stuff. I'd *much* rather be in pain than feeling nauseous.

Comment Re:People with artificial lenses can already see U (Score 1) 137

I can see near-UV -- this caused some confusion in high school Chemistry class when I could see some spectrum lines that nobody else could.

Interesting that you mention that - I've never really thought I could see UV, but I have noticed that black lights and UV LEDs have a weird intense brightness that makes me squint even though the visible light isn't that bright, and I can't really perceive a different color. Germicidal lamps don't cause the same effect for me.

Comment Re:If i can't work on my car (Score 1) 292

and even when there are standard parts (such as tires), they use so many different sizes that you will be lucky to own two cars with the same tire format.

Even more annoying than that are the myriad of fastener sizes in both metric and standard. Why do I need 2-3 different sockets just to remove the battery cable brackets? Is there *really* a solid reason that one bolt has to be 14mm and the other 1/2"?

Comment Re:bah (Score 1) 261

Yes, not all requests are reasonable(you need a color-calibrated monitor that covers at least 99% of aRGB to write code, why?)

Funny that you mention that - the guy running the web side of the house recently talked the boss into MacBooks for all of the web staff, along with a bunch of extended gamut displays. We do no OS X or iOS development whatsoever, nothing that involves having to ensure what's on the display is the same as on the printed page, and everyone else (the vast majority of our staff) works exclusively with MS tools on MS infrastructure, and our IT guy has been fighting for years to get something better than the T1 back to the home office. I don't get it.

At least we're allowed to have as many displays as our desktops will allow.

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