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Comment Re:This is totally Trump's fault! (Score 1) 320

But the fact is Russia is not your enemy though. Think hard about why Russia did what they did. Crimea annexation and Russian support for Eastern Ukraine rebels only happened after the US/EU sponsored Ukraiine coup d'etat. Syria, kind of like the same deals. Russia has had military bases on those countries for a long time. You cannot rattle a cage like that and expect nothing will happen. Democrats have been so cynical about it that they are saying it was all Russia's fault.

Putin is not precisely a democratic leader, but he is a legitimate leader of a sovereign country. So that line where Trump says more cooperation instead of conflict looks like a spot on foreign policy, which is much better than the quagmire of Libya, Iraq, Syria and whatnot and the crapload of displaced people.

Comment Re:No doubt... (Score 4, Insightful) 320

Speak for yourself. As a latino I take no offense in Trump winning. Why would you support people that pay no taxes only and accept whatever wage is thrown at them since they have no options, which in the process reduces the job pool for a lot of people, simply because they could not find a legal path to immigrate to the US?

It seems you are too blinded by the kool-aid that the media gave you about Trump to actually see that he was the one talking about bringing jobs back and making the economy work again.

But just chill, it is politics after all. I am not expecting miracles coming from either candidate so just focus on getting better opportunities or starting your own thing.

Comment Re:Nature's taking care of the problem (Score 1) 137

Says the German who are notorious for their exarcebated nationalism, even after World War 2. I wonder how are you feeling using a website made by Americans and run by Americans, butthurt much?

We may be clueless about geography but at least we learned to use deodorant and shower regularly long ago, something that seems to be ages beyond your comprehension.

Comment Re:Visibly bad air but great place (Score 1) 137

Well, you should get off your high horse there. People with power tend to abuse most of the time. The UK, with the Scottish included are no different, hell they make somebody like Trump feel like Mother Teresa.

I do agree that we have to fight for our rights, but not settling in the US for a politician is very stupid, more so, when people in the US really could not care less about politics in general.

Go enjoy your rotten corpses and get diarrhea in India with their food. That is the real smell you are going to "enjoy" there.

Comment Re:Visibly bad air but great place (Score 1) 137

New Delhi over the SF Bay Area? I don't know about you, but there is nothing enjoyable about seeing rotting corpses in a river, regardless if you are bathing in there or not. The levels of savagery that are seen in India with rape, social injustice, bad hygiene and filthiness and miserable wages should make you think twice about going there. Of course, in those dire situations, a lot of people turn to religion because clearly your reality is hell itself and then foreigners go and are wowed by the spirituality. Sure, Indian cuisine has a lot of flavor, but so does Sichuanese and Mexican food, or just eat Indian food in the US. Things like tango were created in a brothel but you don't have to go there to dance tango, do you?

Comment Re:Starting to not give a shit (Score 1) 177

The sensationalism surrounding these cases are indeed something to worry. It's almost like somebody is out there making sure the racial divide is preserved. But on the other hand, racism is a very real thing that you have to deal with if you are a non-white. Probably you do not think it is an issue because it has not happened to to you. Sure you can just let it go and look the other way, but when it comes to important stuff like housing, it is important to have these laws in place.

I think the greatest Obama achievement is that here is this black president, and lo and behold, he turned out to be just another guy. That smashes a lot of the stereotypes right there.

But at the end of the day, remember that governments should always strive for redistribution of wealth, protection of minorites, etc. And minorities being women, LGBTs, Asians, Hispanics, Blacks, you name it.

Comment Re:Could you gush a little more? (Score 1) 427

This. The only reason why I still have to deal with Java bs is because of Android. Let Google come up with a Swift like language, or hell just use Go/Dart or whatever you want for Android development, just stop using this bullcrap that causes lockups on the phone and massive memory consumption. Phones nowadays need to have 3GB of RAM to avoid those lockups comfortably.

Comment Re:Java? (Score 1) 427

Windows, Linux and Mac are different enough. Windows leans more on the 2 mouse button plus wheel, Linux you really get to use that third button a lot more for pasting, and Mac you can work with a one mouse button. So no, they are not the same by a long shot, and it is not only look and feel. There is a reason why brew exists for the mac or MinGW for Windows.

A good GUI is one that follows the OS provider human interface guidelines so that the user does not have to relearn how to use a scrollbar, text box, etc every time they want to use a new program. Unless you have a very specialized program like AutoCAD or 3dsmax, it makes no sense to build a custom GUI.

Comment Re:So what would you use? (Score 0) 427

I don't know what makes you think Java can compete with C++ or their cousins in the desktop space. No, it is not light and efficient, something like SublimeText is light and efficient and it was not coded with Java. I see the appeal, the language is awesome, and for backend stuff I agree with you, very powerful and well architected systems can come out of it, especially compared to the quick fix languages like Python, PHP and Ruby. But the thing is that Java does not stand a chance in the long run against modern languages like Swift, C# (or call it Java as it should have been done), Go, and even if hate to say it, Javascript.

Webspace you are better off with javascript nowadays, maybe something like Meteor could be the future there? who knows. And for Android devices, hate Apple as much as you want, but in all the iOS devices I have had, no matter how little RAM they could have, I have never seen what happens with my Android phones when the garbage collection kicks in. Sometimes a full 3-5 seconds lock up of the interface in the worst scenarios. Try to pull that off with something based in Objective-C and you will see my point.

Comment Re:Java? (Score 1) 427

Dude, user interfaces has got to be the weak point of Java by far. Pretty much everything everybody abhors from the language comes from using slow and heavy software like Limewire, Java IDEs, the dreaded applet loading and crashing or slowing down everything. It provided a somewhat ok video player when there was none for the web, but was quickly replaced with Flash because Java is and will always be a hassle for the desktop. Oh don't forget the constant Java update prompts. With C++ if you shipped an old version of MFC, that was it, wait for a next release if you want to use the updated one, but you really don't want to bother your users with your scaffolding.

Now, the thing is from a technical point of view, Java is beautiful, very correct, even if verbose and restrictive in some areas. So for web backend, Android (not like you really have another choice), and non real-time systems, do use it. But please people, stop using Java for user interfaces other than Android. I can imagine that something like IntelliJ would be twice as succesful or taken the crown out of Visual Studio a long time ago if it was done in C++ instead of Java. Look at something like SublimeText for things that are a speed demon, small and lean that will never be possible to achieve in Java IMHO.

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