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Comment Re:Bullshit (Score 2) 282

> "When a burglary occurs, a bike is stolen or a phone is taken, many victims will report the theft to the police, but often it is solely as a way of getting a crime number to give to their insurance company. There is too often a resignation that nothing can be done"

Which makes sense - it's not a high-priority crime like a murder, and it would take quite a lot of effort to track the thief down, if in fact that would even be possible, with little evidence to go on. Which is precisely *why* this is a good idea - I could be being optimistic, but it seems to me like police would be much happier going after someone if you said "I have strong video evidence that a person who looks exactly like this just broke into my house and stole a tv; you can see his face and that he's walking out of my house carrying the tv", yes?

Comment Re:Marriage? (Score 1) 734

It does not. You can get married in a civil "ceremony" that is required by law to conform to a rather broad definition of a "ceremony", which doesn't preclude it from taking place in an office and only involving the two people getting married and a person (of not necessarily any particular religion) who has been suitably vested with the power to grant marriages. You can also get married at a courthouse, but the way we did it was way more convenient (a couple hundred dollars more expensive, but didn't require us to take off work.)

Comment Sounds like a parody to me (Score 1) 255

By virtue of the fact that anti-humor is one of my favorite kinds of humor - by taking a super-cheesy show and *removing* all the cheese, making it dark as frack, that sounds like a brilliant parody of the original. (Obviously, I am not a lawyer, but I do want to watch this now, and I hated Power Rangers as a kid (and now.))

Comment Re:Too bad (Score 2) 43

What I see in Google is the only company that pulls off ads and spying *without* being annoying or terrible. I hate companies that inject ads into things such that it gets in the way or makes it harder to do what you were doing. I hate companies that spy on you without your permission and then do sketchy things with the results. Google ads don't get in the way, they tell you straight-up that they're spying on you, and they don't generally do anything terribly sketchy with the results. Thus, they can spy on me as much as they like, if they keep it up and use it for good.

Comment Too bad (Score 1) 43

I was just commenting to a friend just yesterday how much I hoped Google would decide to get into the phone carrier market as themselves, as it would really shake things up - if anyone could get mixed cell/satellite communication down to affordable prices and thus make internet finally *truly* available anywhere on the planet, it'd be Google. And I long for that day (i.e. the day where one doesn't have to pay cruise ships their hilarious gouging rate for basic connectivity, for instance.)

I suppose setting up as an MVNO is a first step, but it isn't quite the same. (I like Google, but I'll most likely stick with Ting all the same.)

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