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Comment Maybe (Score 2) 306

It sounds like you don't really have 15 years experience. You have a few years experience that you've been repeating over the last 15 years. You also tend to sound more like a scripter than a programmer (not that there's anything wrong with that!). Becoming a fully fledged programmer would therefore be the next step for you, and you could certainly take it, but I doubt you will. You are lacking one or more of these:

* confidence
* direction
* motivation

Learning ability is not likely to be the issue, it's the lack of desire to learn that is at the root.

Find something you are really passionate about and make that happen using whatever tools are considered the best in that domain. Many older programmers unwind and expand by writing games or personal projects that scratch their itch. Find something that interests you and get coding.

Personally, I'm working on a pair of games right now. One with a team (8-16 month duration), and one that will take the next few years of my life which I am starting work on solo. They give me reason to fire up the compilers, read the docs and flex my chops.

Comment Re:Five percent? (Score 1) 413

If you're using a half decent receiver then it likely has a setting called 'Dynamics' or 'Dynamic Range' or similar. Just switch this down from full range to something a little more appropriate for your house. It does the same job as all the expensive external compressors that people are saying you should buy; you just don't get the same level of control. That said, you don't really need it either, you're not mastering an album - just trying to watch some TV.

Comment Re:The term of art is "obvious." (Score 2) 406

It was in use before that. Actually Apple itself used in on their iPod nano devices with a physical slide to lock the controls. Slide to unlock is just the digital analogue of something that existed well before Apple got it's filthy lawyers all over it.

There is no innovation here. Only a digital equivalent of an analog analogue.

Comment Re:not in use? (Score 1) 921

The club I used to go to in London had a 'no photos / filming' policy to protect it's customers. People were allowed to take their phones in, of course, but they just weren't allowed to use them to take photos and film. The club was for alternative culture people, and the policy was so they could dress the way they liked without worrying about photos of them getting about town.

Comment Re:F/OSS Platform Needed (Score 1) 314

I'm in Australia, so Netflix, Hulu and most that other stuff won't even work without proxying and other trickey. My net connection during peak hours is now massively oversubscribed so any streaming service is worthless until I get backhaul relief. OTOH I have 4TB of movies and tv shows in a range of formats, mostly MP4 but some MKV and I can't watch any of those without leaving on my expensive power hungry main machine with iTunes open. Streaming radio I can get through my amp, so I'm not concerned about that.

The AppleTV could be a really cool little device, everything is in place except for the parts Apple deliberately didn't give us, mostly I think to protect copyright holders.

Comment Re:F/OSS Platform Needed (Score 1) 314

I was expecting HURD to come out at the same time as Duke Nukem Forever and the four horsemen of the apocalypse. Who would have thought Duke Nukem would be the first one out the gate from those three!

HURD will be too little, too late. Hell, it would have been too little too late a decade ago, now it's just a joke.

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Real Programs don't use shared text. Otherwise, how can they use functions for scratch space after they are finished calling them?
