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Comment Re:Not filed but expect a refund (Score 1) 526

So to put it in perspective.. I own a home.. I maintain no credit card debt.. my home is moderate for my area... 180K property in pa, but just outside of new jersey.. So based on that I am clearly within my income level.. if anything I spend quite a bit below it.. but break down the numbers... 7%(fed)+6.5%(ss)+7%(state)+1%(local)+1.5%(medicaid) is tax money being deducted right away.. so that's 23%... Then.... If we assume I spend 25% of my income on taxable items.. (lets assume an income of 100K for example).. then that's another 1.75% Then lets assume my property tax is in the 6K a year range.. there is another 6%... so now we are at 30.75% Now lets assume the additional taxes on other goods (how about gasoline?) .. It gets very hard to continue this without using my real numbers (which I obviously wont be posting to slashdot), but the U.S. tax system is built to get you every which way, and the problem is nobody takes the time to look at the overall taxes you pay... Not to mention every good you buy is taxed quite a bit before it even gets to you.. When you consider that every time a product is sold between company's it is taxed yet again.. I call those "hidden taxes".. they get passed down to you either way, but since its baked into the cost of the product you don't notice...

Comment Re:Not filed but expect a refund (Score 2) 526

The locals gave you the right answer, but to the wrong question..
The average Federal Tax is around 7%..
Then there is social security...(roughly 6.5% on average).. also please don't argue you get this money back... you don't... its been misappropriated.
Then State taxes( mine is 7%)...
Then local taxes (mine is 1%)..
Then sales taxes (variable depending on goods/spend)...
Property Tax (if you own property)
Bottom line.. when I look at ONLY the taxes I pay to one government entity or another it eclipses 65%....
Like I said right answer to the wrong question...

Comment Re:Anyone ever read the constitution? (Score 1) 138

Hmm.... perhaps you missed or overlooked the part where I said:

nor any law subject thereto

That somewhat inoccuous phrase expands the application of my statement to every/any law passed by the Congressional branch, every/any rule decreed by the Executive Branch, and every/any ruling issued by the Judicial branch. As all of these things gain their powers via the American Constitution.

So are you honestly contending that none of THOSE things pertain to the Citizens, Residents and inhabitants of the US? Because there are a lot of people in American prisons who would like to hear the basis for that position!


I think the finer point here is if we had followed the constitution in the first place there would be no rule decreed by the executive branch.. the powers would have remained as originally structured which was a constitution to define the relationship of the state and federal powers (the states were intended to have more power), and a Bill of Rights to define the rights that are untouchable by those entities.


Submission + - Verizon Entering the Toll Collection Business (

An anonymous reader writes: Verizon was recently awarded a patent for a toll collection device built into a cell phone. Could this be the beginnings of the telecommunication companies running government infrastructure?

Submission + - Issue 82 or android and ad-hoc ( 1

An anonymous reader writes: Its 4th open issue with almost 2000 comments and 5000+ subscribers to issue. Yet google does nothing why?

So where is problem? Why android doesn't support ad-hoc? Well its dead simple: technically its programs WPA_supplicant which "picks up waves" fault it doesn't support ad-hoc. This will be google's official answer after shit will hit fan, but we all know real reason... Its to suck more cash from you to cell phone providers in case you was impatient one and did not went through all the pain of rooting, replacing wpa_supplicant and whatever else.

There is no way that google didn't notice this issue or couldn't fix it, they just don't want to.

Comment Re:Not in Alabama (Score 2) 118

Couldnt agree with you more.. try getting a bottle of Everclear here... (From Wikipedia) Consumers may legally purchase Everclear in Pennsylvania but must first obtain a permit for it and agree that it shall not be consumed as beverage alcohol and shall not be furnished for any reason to another person

Comment Re:Vaccines should be mandatory. (Score 1) 1025

In a free society you have the choice to be stupid... If you take away that choice then its no longer a free society.

Wrong. Your right to be stupid ends where the rights of other people begin. That's why it's not illegal to get shitfaced drunk but it's illegal to drive in that condition.

You still have every right to make a stupid decision. It doesn't mean there are not consequences for those decisions. For example is it a stupid decision to buy small magnetic desk toys (e.g. BuckyBalls, Zen Magnets). In and of itself the answer is clearly no; however, a child may swallow them, and get injured (which is clearly the parents fault). So the solution should be to eliminate the magnetic desk toys from the market therefore insuring that you cannot make a stupid decision such as letting your children swallow magnetic toys. When you try and legislate away rights to prevent stupidity you end up with stupidity inevitably (e.g. banning magnetic desk toys. This is a real example as the CPSC in the US is attempting to ban this right now. Visit if you want to sign the petition to allow me to be stupid if I wish with my magnetic desk toys. Ultimately you have the right to make a decision, and society has a right to enforce the consequences of that decision.

Comment Re:Vaccines should be mandatory. (Score 5, Insightful) 1025

This is why vaccinations need to be mandatory. If you want to live in society, you have to follow society's rules and that includes rules that keep you from putting others at serious risk.

Wow what a slippery slope that is... So for instance should H1N1 vaccinations be required? What about flu shots? If everyone got the flu shot we would likely run out before the high risk people (the young and elderly) had a chance to get it. Not to mention the potential side effects of many vaccines. Personally I and my children are vaccinated for everything I consider a serious disease (polio, etc.), but not H1N1 for instance because the chance of death is practically non-existent. In a free society you have the choice to be stupid... If you take away that choice then its no longer a free society.

Comment Re:Confront your accuser? (Score 3, Informative) 367

I cant speak for LA, but I know in Philadelphia the move on most of the lights between green - yellow - red was roughly 1 second of yellow... its almost impossible to not run a red light there...There actually are several cities other than Philly who have intentionally shortened duration of the yellow light to get more of these tickets.

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