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Comment Re:Just. Wow. (Score 1) 362

What are you, 13? "Go look it up in Wikipedia". Please. Sam's (your) argument is that people suffer famine because they live in the desert and this would be solved if they just left the desert area. Because that's why famine happens. And because it's easy to leave. Seriously - how naive are you? Even the wikipedia entry on famine shows you up FFS,

Comment Just. Wow. (Score 1) 362

What a well thought through and nuanced position that is. As a rule, famine doesn't happen because people live in a desert. It happens because of crop failure. Or war. Or any combination of a number of social and geo-political factors. But because they live in a desert? Not so much. Further, the "great" Sam's position implies that people have a choice about where they live. Again, not so much.

Comment Black Mirror - The Entire History of You (Score 4, Informative) 341

There is a great fun 1-hour TV show called Black Mirror - The Entire History of You which deals with what it would be like to be able to record every minute of your private life and review it at any stage. Didn't have entirely positive things to say. Worth a watch one evening - might temper your view?

Comment Fork Slashdot? (Score 5, Interesting) 188

Why don't we make our own Slashdot (with blackjack & hookers)? What IP is there in the site that we couldn't take with us? Could we take the moderation system (it's the only thing I can think of on Slashdot that's good and that no other site does as well)? I can't code for toffee but I'd be happy to make coffee & buy pizza for those who did.

Submission + - What site would you recommend to replace Slashdot? 1

koreanbabykilla writes: Now that it looks like I'm no longer going to be able to use Slashdot due to beta.slashdot.org, I need somewhere to kill a few hours a day at work. Any suggestions?

Submission + - CowboyNeal Locked In Basement For Opposing Slashdot Beta (dice.com) 23

Robotron23 writes: Slashdot's finest editor to date has been mercilessly locked in a basement filled with fuzzy dice Dice created to furnish Google's self-driving cars. Screaming, followed by sounds of frenzied masturbation, have been reported from the subterranean dungeon. "There's no way enough ejaculatory fluid is getting sprayed on our dice to make us care about this deluded protestor's opinion." a Dice executive commented earlier. Former Slashdot owner turned professional millionaire Robert Malda, expressed support: "No porn. More dice than a casino. Lame."

Submission + - Can I buy the Classic interface? 3

Max Hyre writes: LWN almost went under a number of years ago because its volunteer editors couldn't afford to keep it up. The readers rose up and insisted that they be allowed to pay for it.

Can we do the same for Classic?

I'm a nerd. I read. I'm the one in the museum ignoring the display and reading the description. I want text, easily accessible, clearly laid out, and plenty of it. I'll pay to keep the UI I know and love.

The Beta has none of those characteristics. The Beta site is repellent, unusable, and unneeded. I won't use it, and if ``Classic'' goes away, I won't visit /., and it'll be a pity.

How much do you actually receive in revenue for each user? I suspect I'll match it to keep the status quo. Ask us what it's worth to us. I'd certainly pay $1/month, and would think about $5/month. I bet that I'm not alone.

Submission + - Owner: Vote, your choice: Get rid of Slashdot:Beta OR everyone goes elsewhere (slashdot.org) 1

Ying Hu writes: Slashdot Beta is not Slashdot: http://slashdot.org/journal/63...
What was loved about Slashdot does not appear in the new design — those creating the latter, please fire yourself and go work for a commercial consumer site (which we never read, and never will). OUR site should work without JavaScript, and JavaScript that IS used should to do something actually desired by a reader or commenter, not waste our bandwidth and CPU, and electricity, sending CRAP onto our computers. Improvements/ plugins, http://userstyles.org/styles/9..., won't be enough.

Submission + - Ask Slashdot: Opinion of slashdot beta? 9

An anonymous reader writes: What are your thoughts about slashdot beta? Post your complaints here so that I don't have to see them elsewhere. Additionally, if the beta is so bad that you don't want to stay, what other news website do you recommend?

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