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Comment Re:Review of TFA (Score 0) 260

So you have two independent clauses: "This is a bad article" & "The submitter, editor, and readers should all feel bad."

To combine independent clauses, you usually want to:

- Just put a "." between them, to make two sentences.
- Put a ";" between them.
- Put a "," between them, and then For/and/nor/but/or/yet/so (depending on context).

"; and" is never correct. Either use ", and" or ";".

Comment Re:Yahoo has maps? (Score 2) 176

I have not once wanted to use a scale bar. Really you want to know how long it takes, or how many miles it takes, and it does that. If for some reason Google Maps stopped telling you this information automatically, then yeah I guess a scale bar would be a good way to estimate the same information,

Comment Re:It's going to be painful... (Score 2, Insightful) 176

Yahoo was done down by sloppy engineering. Everybody went to Yahoo for first the curated internet and later (when that proved impossible) internet searches, and the internet searches were terrible. Later Google came along, their results actually good, and there was a sudden migration to a site which could actually get shit done.

I don't know if MBAs helped or hurt Yahoo's case, but ultimately they were just swapping deck chairs on the Titanic. There's no possible way a site with shitty search results could compete with a site with good search results.

Comment Re:Why do this in the first place? (Score 2) 90

There will, never, ever be a "killer app" for Firefox OS. And who cares? This isn't a video game console. People expect a phone to have all the basic apps like Facebook/Runkeeper/Whatever, and it's impossible to think such an app would be developed for a single platform. Nobody buys an Android because they can't get Hulu for iOS.

Firefox will succeed if people prefer the look & feel of the OS, and if it's easy to get, and if it easily runs all the apps expected of it. As long as it works, who cares if it's OS native or not?

Comment Re:No they outsold Samsung and Apple (Score 2) 129

I love that article. 5 seconds of Googling shows that Elop didn't actually become CEO of Nokia until the end of 2010, but for some reason the article decides to start half a year earlier, with the sales record of the previous CEO, who was forced out for poor performance. You're reading an article that's more concerned with being a hit piece than the truth.

Another 10 seconds of Googling shows that at the beginning of 2011, Android was the top smartphone OS:

Elop talked about all this at the beginning of his infamous "burning platform" memo.

Realistically, how would a CEO completely tank a phone OS in like two months? Steve Jobs needed a few years at Apple before his ideas really went from concept to production.

Comment Ugh (Score 2) 170

Mark Zuckerberg knows more than me, but personally "young nerdy kid who loves playing video games and thinks it's a first step towards programming" is one of those types I just can't stand. Playing video games doesn't help any more than using instagram or dicking around on your cell phone.

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