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Comment Re:What's this internet thing you speak of? (Score 2) 90

Send enough traffic over an IPSec tunnel in a short enough period of time, and expect it to be suddenly blocked one day, only to work again in just a few days.

This. It's totally arbitrary. Also it's a two-tier system, where many things are easily proxied around, while some sites (pornography, Falun Gong, Tian'anmen) can't be.

I think mostly the point is to inconvenience and be protectionist rather than block. Sure you can get on twitter if you really want, but your average Joe in China doesn't want to bother figuring out proxies just to get some stupid cat picture, so they turn to Weibo or some wannabe-twitter site like that instead.

Comment Re:Slashdot technophobes (Score 1) 376

But of course people in the 1880s had valid concerns, and in the last 120 years a lot of laws and social pressures have developed regulating the use of cameras. Without which, people would still find the use of cameras objectionable. Many of the issues haven't been entirely worked out - a couple week ago there was a story about how Germans needed to get rid of naughty photos of their exes if asked, and many people didn't seem to like the idea.

Comment Re:Get rid of NASA (Score 1) 155

The Apollo Program showed it was capable of getting people to the moon, but the point of NASA isn't just getting people to the moon over and over, the point is to eventually establish a permanent, expanding presence in space. Pointing a V-2 rocket up at the sky is effective but is also a dead end.

And of course the space program had problems under the Airforce.

Comment Re:Insert any city here (Score 3, Interesting) 190

But I could almost see Davis/Sacramento becoming a tech hub(unlike, say, Montana or Arizona), since it's a relatively easy interview/move for tech workers currently in the Bay Area. Certainly it would take a long time & a lot of luck to become anything somewhat comparable to Silicon Valley, but I could see it as a satellite of the Silicon Valley.

Comment Re:Peer review (Score 1) 154

Well it's easy to believe that "you're getting in trouble for calling the pope an idiot" wouldn't fly, so they gave him trumped-up charges. Like maybe you condemn the US President in the press, so you get prosecuted for some unrelated charge of smoking a joint. Just sayin'.

Comment Re:Governments need the source code (Score 1) 264

Is that really a model for security? Heartbleed is a huge vulnerability that was inserted, by accident, more than two years ago, without getting fixed. The code was written by somebody way better at coding than me. It was reviewed by somebody way better at coding than me. Surely it was looked over by a number of people way better at coding than me.

Is it really hard to believe that an intentional backdoor by an expert could get past this review process? A review process that couldn't even stop an accidental buffer over-read?

At the very least, the CIA/KGB/Pinkerton Detective Agency must have looked at Heartbleed lasting in the wild for more than two years and thought "very interesting - we can do that, but even better."

Comment Re: Episode II (Score 1) 457

What the fuck? Of course RHPS was completely choreographed. The way it was filmed, people needed to hit their exact spots so the frame looks right. This was more important then than now, because 70s film stock would require more precise focus than needed today, and if there was a mistake made nobody could even tell until the next day.

If it showed more physicality, it's because it was mostly Broadway actors putting on a show they had already run through in front of a large audience, a large number of times. Not all older movies are like that, just as not all newer movies have static shots of people delivering lines in place. For instance, Star Trek had Captain Kirk wildly running about. And certainly hand-held camera that follow characters delivering lines while moving are a lot more common now than before digital cameras.

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