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Comment Re:Really? I saw exactly where MS fucked up. (Score 1) 248

Actually Microsoft developed OSes for mobile devices very early, with Windows CE coming out in 1996. I remember is 2003 or so, owning Dell PDA that aside from not having a phone and having a clunkier interface, let me browse the web and do much of what a cell phone does (personally I used it to browse the web, watch movies, listen to music, and Skype), in a cell phone like package. It was a niche product for years, and obviously Microsoft didn't quite develop it the right way. But saying that Microsoft never seriously approached the mobile devices market because they only want a product they dominate is simply not true.

Microsoft also pushed tablet computing hard for a long time, even though it never caught on. Again, they didn't do it right, but it wasn't for a lack of sustained trying.

Comment Re:What a surprise. (Score 1) 248

Wow, they make her look serious! But get this, she's a woman! Like, not a man!!!! How would it even be possible for her to have smarts or savvy?

I mean, sure she has a double major from Stanford and went to graduate school at MIT, and then worked her way up in a male-dominated technology company...but if you look at pictures of her, it's clear from these pictures that she is a woman!

I think this just shows how major corporations are faulty, when instead of choosing basement dwellers, the board of directors of a major corporations actually chose a successful, well-educated woman to lead instead, when the "promotional photos" of her clearly shows that she is a woman.

Comment Re:Because... (Score 2) 794

You have this false dichotomy where if snake-oil salesmanship bothers you, you must be in favor of evil corporation Monsanto.

In reality, they are two different issues. Snake Oil and BS homeopathy and all the nonsense perpetuated by Whole Foods is basically lying to make money, and your opinion of Monsanto is a completely different issue.

For instance, there are many organic growers who don't believe GMOs are poison, or the various other ideas from the homeopathy line of thought.

Comment Re:This changes nothing (Score 1) 131

Be honest, blogs have less influence and lower journalistic standards than a dead-tree journal like the NY Times.

A real publication:

a) Wouldn't have been so partisan in favor of VFX companies
b) Wouldn't have overstated the importance of this revelation.

Frankly, this news article isn't even news. It's like somebody took a particularly idiotic anti-MPAA post from Slashdot and made it longer.

Comment Re:Arthur C. Clarke introduced me to space elevato (Score 1) 374

Conversely, you don't know what scientists do, do you?

They don't write down neat ideas in single page essays that get no scientific review. Maybe you could say he was an inventor?

It was a neat idea, but Clarke wasn't the first person to come up with the idea, nor was his short essay widely disseminated, nor did it influence the actual development of geosynchronous orbits.

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