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Comment Re:Deception, .... (Score 1) 30

By means of an ancient practice called "reading", information can be loaded from many data stores, through the eye, and into the brain. Seriously.

That's AMAZING, and could revolutionize society. Does Nancy Pelosi know about this wondrous technology of which you speak?

Comment Re:Deception, .... (Score 1) 30

... you struck a nerve, old friend.

For the 2012 election, once it was time to get behind Moderate Mitt and hope he could win, I sent in a $100 donation and bought a bumper sticker ($4).

I wish I never had. Instead of doing something productive, like running an attack ad, Moderate Mitt then probably spent at least $250 trying to get me to send in more money...

And I get mail from Reince Priebus every other day.

I send it back in the pre-paid envelope with a handwritten note that says "until you grow a spine and impeach Obama you'll not get another dime. Benghazi, Fast and Furious, IRS -- pick one (or all) and impeach."

That's a mistake I'll not make again -- sending the GOP money. Next time I'll donate directly to Tea Party groups.

Comment Re:Sure, I'll play (Score 1) 28

The point was simple. I'm not surprised at all that you didn't pick up on it. But since I'm a nice guy, I'll explain.

I made the point through sarcasm that the lefty trolls here would just accuse smitty of racism for not grabbing his ankles for Obama.

You show up, and true to the playbook, promptly call us racist.

Like shooting fish in a barrell.

Comment Re:I suppose I'll be the first too ask (Score 1) 49

So because you're too lazy to do even a little bit of your own research, somehow that's my problem?

No wonder you're a Democrat -- you're intellectually lazy. It's easier to regurgitate shit from MSNBC and tell people "Well, I'm a Democrat because I care about people" than it is to look deep and get engaged.

Low information voters like you will be the death of this once great Country. And when it falls, I will take no solace in the fact that you ultimately got what you deserved.

Comment Re:I suppose I'll be the first too ask (Score 1) 49

Do you have any citation for that statement beyond kookie far right websites?

Yes, for one, my late Grandfather who was born there and escaped. Otherwise, there are a number of textbooks you can find. I'm not doing the research for you.

You're the guy who's getting your history from freerepublic.org.

Comment Re:I suppose I'll be the first too ask (Score 1) 49

At least you can see the difference between being a Leftist and being a Fascist.
No, there is no difference. Fascism and Socialism are two sides of the same Totalitarian Coin.

The communists in Germany had a saying -- "First brown, then red" -- as they saw Hitler's National Socialist party as a step to the Bolshevik style Communism that Stalin had.

And in case you've forgotten -- Stalin and Hitler were allies until Hitler invaded Russia.

Furthermore, the NY Times wrote numerous editorials saying, gee, what an amazing time we live in with 4 strong leaders like Stalin, Hitler, Mussolini, and Roosevelt -- and FDR did not mind the comparison.

You would do well to open a History book. Start with the French Revolution, it's really what started all this Secular Humanistic "Progressive" bullshit that has a higher body count than any other political movement in human history.

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