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Comment Re:Other prisons are the same (Score 1) 142

Anyway, the level of conservatism in the US is much higher than a lot of places in the world. Just take the reaction to Janet Jackson's nipple and nudity in general (think of the children!)

Well, to be fair, at that point in time it has become a bit of a worn out looking, saggy nipple that no one really wanted to see.

Perhaps if the nipple in question had been about a decade or so younger there might not have been quite the uproar.


Comment Re:But DC is different,no? (Score 1) 588

If the feds re-schedule it before there is enough public support than you will see a bunch of outraged state legislators quickly moving to make it illegal at state level

It is already illegal at the state level, hence the states that are legalizing it passing NEW laws to legalize it for medical and/or recreational.

The current Fed laws as they stand ALREADY trump state laws passed to legalize it..hence, the need for the Feds to bring their laws down, which would fully let the states decide.

I don't mind if one state doesn't want to legalize it...if they do and you don't like it, you can move to a state that does.

That's how it is all SUPPOSED to work.

Comment Re:But DC is different,no? (Score 1) 588

If Obama was doing to do anything of real merit, he'd have moved to have pot taken off schedule 1 at the very least to allow for real medical investigation of the plant.

If he had wanted to do more, he could have put it to the states to decide.

But no..he wasted time when he had both houses of govt with him to do that. Hell, why not put that onto the ACA when they passed it? At least the medical research portion...?

Too late for that now I suppose....although Rand Paul would support it if Obama and other put these kinds of legislation forward.

Comment Re:But DC is different,no? (Score 3, Insightful) 588

Why are people still talking about constitutional authority?

Because that is the basis for ALL our government power, responsibility and authority.

It is arguable that the Feds for many years have overstepped those few enumerated powers they are supposed to have.

Many of us in the US feel it is time to reign in the Feds.

Comment Re:Marked Paper Ballots FTW (Score 1) 388

How about this: Tokenized Voting.

Everyone with a smartphone, fills out their ballot on their device, and then "casts" it by going to the voting location to confirm it? Everyone else, back to pencil and paper.

Geez, you think people raise hell about merely showing PICTURE ID for voting? Just wait till you require or give special privileges for Smart Phones to anyone that wants to vote.

I mean, a free, simple photo id seems a basic, non-discriminatory and common sense thing to do...and we can't even get THAT passed in most states.

Smart phone for voting? I'm sure that's somehow racist too.

There will be rants about a "Smart Phone" gap about 10 seconds after this idea is pitched.

Comment Re: They're probably correct (Score 1) 273

Go back to the tried and true method:

Get in yer room and learn and do the homework, or its Five across the Eyes!!!


"Self Esteem" wasn't really even a concept discussed back in the day when you just had to go and learn at school. No one really suffered without that catering either...(the 5 across the eyes was a joke).

Comment Re:The answer (Score 1) 441

It all sounds like "Boo Hoo Hoo" self esteem isn't being groomed, people don't look out for my feelings, etc. is a fucking JOB, you go in, you get it done, you leave. No one gives a fuck about your self esteem, or how you stick out in a crowd or your feelings.

We've been teaching this shit to kids so much in past years, and catering to their ever needs, and helicoptering around them so much to protect them from people that might NOT make friends with them or even *gasp* outright hurt their feelings, that they aren't ready for the REAL WORLD out there. When they leave home and enter the adult work place.

In the real world, not everyone gets a trophy for just showing up and participating. No one cares if you feel "different". As long as you aren't being persecuted or outright discriminated against for the getting the job, you're on your own.

You are there for ONE thing, plain and simple.


Quit fucking whining and work...its what we've all been doing for decades before now, and no one gives a rats ass if you're a man/woman or what race you are.

We do care if you are dragging the team down by complaining about your self esteem issues, or if someone isn't all smiles and unicorns when you say something or come up with an idea.

It's called a JOB for a reason. It is get paid for it, and nothing else.

If you want feelings time, and camaraderie, or ego stroking, go to a therapist or a bar with friends.

Comment Re:Nothing. (Score 4, Informative) 209

Where I really see benefit from external communication would be mostly Boolean data such as whether the kids made it home from school,

You know, more and more I'm glad I grew up in a day before you could so easily be tracked as a kid, and no cell phones, etc.

It made it more fun to be a kid. Sure, I was mischievous, and well, frankly, some of the things we did as kids and teens would likely be categorized as borderline terrorism...but it was a part of growing up. Experimenting and well...just being a kid at the time.

When young, I would leave the house, go play with friends roam mine and the adjacent neighborhood...first on foot, then bike and skateboard. When really young, my Mom's basic rule was to call from a friend's home every couple hours to check in. When older, not really even that. My parents both worked, and I'd come home from school alone or go play with friends. During the summers as a teen...I'd be at home on my own, run with friends, make my own lunches...etc.

It was fun having that independence and I never got into what you would call trouble, no more than just being a boy growing up.

Nowdays...geez, I guess mine (and all my peers at the time) parents would be cited for child neglect. OFF MY LAWN.


Comment Re:oh boy! (Score 1) 253

And as for "talent" wrt people skills what that really means is "good genes" just as with sports.

I disagree.

Unless you have mental problems, a slow learner, CAN learn people skills like any other skills.

If you have a normal functioning can learn to deal with people. It is NOT that big a deal.

Personally in real life, I'm quite an introvert in many ways, but can get up readily in front of people or a crowd. Think of it as performance, that is learned.

Comment Re:oh boy! (Score 1) 253

Here's the thing. I started working in IT because I don't understand people, can't talk to them, find it hard to build relationships and rarely remember anybody's name.

Computers don't need that shit, they respond to simple well structured inputs.

Networking is all lovely for people with great communication skills. I've spent an entire career trying to gain those and although I can walk into a room full of Execs and convince them to back my ideas I still can't fucking network.

Some of us have to rely on merit and job interviews.

Well, let me ask you. How did you get good at IT work with computers? Were you born with that knowledge?


Did you read and study and try and fail till you gained your skills?

Well, there's nothing different about people skills.

Watch and observe how other people interact. There are books and good Lord...a whole Internet full of sites to study on how to interact and/or influence people.

You don't even have to mean can approach it like a project. Read up on something, then while out in a mall or whatever, with a server or cashier even...practice. Make small talk. What do you care if they don't respond? They'll likely never see you again.

It is much like picking up women. Some need more help than others. Read up, learn...and while out and about, just out of the cold, approach a woman you might like and say your saved up witty joke, or just ask the time. Very simple, and move on. The more you do it, the easer it will be come and the more natural you will become at it.

You can use it for making more friends and relationships, but if you don't...just learn to sound like it and make business contacts...learn to influence people.

People skills are largely like ANY Obviously you are intelligent and learned how to do IT work, and sounds like you do it well.

Why stop there? Seek out and learn the other skills that can really help your career...and actually, quality of life too.

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