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Comment Re:Pot meet kettle (Score 1) 40

I love the fabricated outrage from Germany over this - "How could you do this?!?". Don't be fooled, it is indeed fabricated. Everyone is spying on everyone, and everyone knows it. But lets keep the charade going and hope that everyone has forgotten that Germany was caught red handed spying on Danish leaders as late as 2015 -

Not to mention Merkel trying to get into the Five Eyes Club back in 2013.:

Some European officials believe Ms Merkel’s call for a new intelligence-sharing arrangement with the US is aimed at creating for Berlin a relationship similar to “five eyes” for Germany.

Comment Re: No. (Score 1) 126

The government is already in bed with most large corporations. Look how much Uber spent getting special laws passed just to benefit themselves. Same deal with these politicians who "retire" and then magically end up as board members for the company they just helped out.

That wasn't Uber in bed with the California government; it was Uber in bed with the people of California.

Comment Re:Indeed (Score 1) 50

" EU regulators accused the online retailer of manipulating its algorithm to boost its own products "artificially" over its rivals'. "

Like every supermarket I know. There I have to get on my knees to get some of the other products.

Funny, I've found the opposite is true: the non-store brands are at the level of one's waist to head (eyes) and it's the store's (and other "generic" brands) that are on the bottom shelf.

Comment Re:The limits of pardons breaking the 5th Amendmen (Score 3, Interesting) 557

Meanwhile, the impeachment basically negates the crazy idea of the self-pardon.

Not even that. The Constitution explicitly excludes Impeachment from the list of pardonable offenses. Article 2 Section 2 Clause 1:

The President shall be Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, and of the Militia of the several States, when called into the actual Service of the United States; he may require the Opinion, in writing, of the principal Officer in each of the executive Departments, upon any Subject relating to the Duties of their respective Offices, and he shall have Power to grant Reprieves and Pardons for Offenses against the United States, except in Cases of Impeachment.

Comment Re:Tangential but True (Score 4, Informative) 151

A true meritocracy would require the 'death tax' to be strengthened to eliminate inherited wealth. Inherited wealth: what other reason would you need it but to enhance the outcomes of your descendants?

I'm actually for the idea.

If you for the estate tax, then I'd suggest using "estate tax" or "inheritance tax" instead of the loaded "death tax"--especially since that phrase was coined and focus-grouped specifically as a way to garner support against it from regular people:


Martin credits himself with coining the term “death tax” in 1993 as a usefully derisive nickname for the estate tax. As the founder and president of the 60 Plus Association--sort of a conservative AARP devoted to repealing the estate tax--Martin is one of the leading advocates for the tax’s abolition.

Yet while few citizens will ever be subject to the estate tax, polls show that nearly 80 percent of Americans support repealing it (at least they do when it’s presented as a “death tax”).

A few years ago, Martin gained an important ally in GOP pollster Frank Luntz, whose polling revealed that “death tax” sparked voter resentment in a way that “inheritance tax” and “estate tax” couldn’t match. After all, who wouldn’t be opposed to a “tax on death”? Luntz shared his findings with Republicans and included the phrase in the GOP’s Contract with America. Luntz went so far as to recommend in a memo to GOP lawmakers that they stage press conferences “at your local mortuary” to dramatize the issue. “I believe this backdrop will clearly resonate with your constituents,” he wrote. “Death is something the American people understand.” Apparently, he’s right. Spurred by Luntz, Republicans have employed the term “death tax” so aggressively that it has entered the popular lexicon. Nonpartisan venues like newspapers and magazines have begun to use it in a neutral context--a coup for abolitionists like Martin.

Comment Re:More solutions, less doom and gloom please (Score 1) 280

That's a little bit helpful, but slightly less people doesn't change the equation much. It's how the people behave and the chemicals they release that matters the most. If you righteously have less kids and climate deniers and anti-science people have more you will not have helped, though you will have spared your child from a generation of bad times. The pollution stays in the atmosphere too long for anything but the most extreme population reduction to really work. You're kind of living the plot of Idiocracy at some point of responsible people being the only ones willing to reduce.

Bullshit. Not popping out a kid could save 58.6 metric tons of carbon dioxide (by example, a transatlantic flight is 1.6 metric tons). The total for all the other items on the graph in my link is less than 15 metric tons--and that includes more severe changes than listed by Joce640k (e.g., eating no meat, forgoing car owner ship, etc.).

Also, Idiocracy is just an attempt to may eugenics funny.

Comment Re:That's odd ... (Score 1) 140

All the on-screen and web menus say "Purchase" not "License".

Ahh, I understand. You didn't read Article 12, section 34, paragraph 235, subparagraph 56483, item mmciv of the TOS, in which "to purchase" has been defined as "to receive limited and revocable permission to play the Content on devices and at times of our choosing". It's all there in plain #000000 and #010101.

Comment Re:Umm. . .who cares ?? (Score 1) 165

It's not like "burger" refers to a specific dish. It's a meat patty, generally beef, between buns. But I've had turkey burgers, venison burgers, even the 'impossbile whopper" Isn't there something more important for Governments to worry about ? Some novel flu virus, perhaps ?

Not in the EU--try reading the summary, FFS.

Comment Re:Odd odds? (Score 1) 82

Feel free to find a responsible party for a Soviet satellite (which by definition has been trash since 1991 and wouldn't have adhered to any International treaty since 1922) and China's space crap (which hasn't adhered to any International treaties since 1943).

Russia; if they claim the Kuril Islands as the successor state to the USSR (point 2), they get the responsibility for an orbital fuck up as the same successor state.

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