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Comment I'm going to be an anti-cynic here (Score 0) 688

A source of prosperity other than poppy production could change Afghanistan from being a perpetual failed state into a real developing nation. What this really means is that leaving is more appealing. Optimally, we could leave a military base there to monitor Pakistan and do the anti-terrorist stuff without bankrupting the US or having huge casualties.

Comment Re:If I ever had to take one.. (Score -1, Flamebait) 452

And again I'm blown over by the modding. You got modded as +4 insightful? People reading your comment will actually get dumber if they are foolish enough to believe you. Please take some time and learn how polygraphy give false positives and how that isn't just because its a personal truth vs. objective truth you friggin moron.

Comment Anti-intellectualism (Score -1, Flamebait) 618

The US has become a country ruled by rural hicks, led by their leader George Bush for 8 years. We have a country that has been convinced to give up on public schooling and convinced to give up on the middle class. Its hard to aspire to being a great researcher if you can't afford college.

Comment Re:So... (Score 0) 411

You're crazy. The deficit went up orders of magnitude under Reagan, Bush and Bush II. And the reason is, Republicans are not fiscally responsible and break the budget spending on defense.

As far as process goes, the president can call for legislation, and minorities can introduce new bills. If overspending is a problem, the single most responsible party is the guy with the veto. So stop being a disingenuous lying dipshit and wake up to the fact that the right wing is raping this country.

Comment Re:So... (Score 0) 411

He has changed, not killed the space program. Bang for your buck is in space astronomy and unmanned stuff anyways, and its not like we can afford everything we want these days. But hey, Obama bashing is in style these days, especially on Slashdot.

Its interesting that we have arguably one of the top 5 presidents every (certainly in the top 10) and yet if things keep going this way, we're going to get 1 term out of him followed by 8 years of Palin.

Comment Ball Lightning in a microwave (Score 0) 269

I remember seeing articles on how to make ball lightning in a microwave, complete with video. Then again, people may be lumping a lot of things under the header ball lightning.

Honestly, what you could create in a microwave wasn't that impressive, especially considering I had been brought up being read old Reader's Digest stories about ball lightning basically stalking people. I'd assumed that was just fiction (though they claimed it was true for whatever that's worth), but maybe there's something to the hallucination theory.

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