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Journal Journal: The Tree of Life

I lasted just over 20 minutes before I couldn't take it anymore. I skipped through to various parts of the movie just to make sure I wasn't missing anything. I like to think I give every movie a fair shake, but this is one of only a handful of movies in my entire life that I just gave up on. Seriously, what the fuck?

User Journal

Journal Journal: Rize of the Fenix

I don't know if Rize of the Fenix is "better" than Tenacious D's debut album, but I don't know that it isn't, either. It has the same sense of humor and sound of rock. The only thing I'm disappointed with is the length; it is 10 minutes shorter than the debut album, which itself was on the short side at 51 minutes. It's definitely more mature musically, but I'm not sure if any of the songs are classics. "The Ballad of Hollywood Jack and the Rage Kage" along with "39" are the standouts; I'

Comment Re:It's all in the point of view! (Score 2, Insightful) 369

I don't disagree, but if you're going to make that argument then no status code can be accurate and thus the question is rendered moot. Ideally this kind of filtering would not be put in place (DNS and IP blocks should be enough), but we don't live in an ideal world. If this type of filtering is going to be put in place then, given the available options, 403 seems to be a reasonable status code to return.

Comment Re:It's all in the point of view! (Score 5, Insightful) 369

So what it comes down to is, should HTTP represent the user's POV or the Government's?

Neither. HTTP deals with clients and servers, not users and governments. Political issues are rightfully outside of its scope.

As for the error code, 403 (Forbidden) is described as "The server understood the request, but is refusing to fulfill it". Is this not technically accurate?

User Journal

Journal Journal: Well, shit.

Compared to the previous episode, the season finale of Game of Thrones was anti-climactic as fuck. Almost nothing happened; felt a lot like a filler episode. Last episode had more of a finale feel to it while this one was more about resolving a few small things and setting up next season. I'm guessing what we see in the final seconds has some significant implications in regards to the books, but as someone who's never read them it didn't do a whole lot for me.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Game of Thrones

I've been recording Game of Thrones this season; just started watching today in preparation for the season finale tomorrow. I intended to split it over the course of two days but it's just so fucking compelling that I couldn't help but go all the way today. Seriously, this is some good shit. Peter Dinklage is clearly the star of the show; I love the scenes with him and Lena Heady or any of the members of the council (particularly the eunuch). Lots of tension is the last couple of episodes

User Journal

Journal Journal: Avengers

Every time I go to the theater and have a "meh" experience, I tell myself next time it won't be like that. I'm always wrong. The movie itself was good, but the patrons are a bother. Some guy behind me loudly clearing his throat every few minutes. Candy wrappers crackling almost the whole time. People laughing loudly. People talking. But the worst is the couple directly next to me with their two small kids; oldest must have been 6 or 7 and youngest was 3 or 4. Guy had to take his kids

User Journal

Journal Journal: X-Men

For as cool as (most of) the original X-Men trilogy is, I've got to say First Class is by far the best of the series. While the trilogy does explore the differing ideologies somewhat, most of the time is devoted to kick-ass fights. First Class has its fair share of action of course, but the far more interesting aspect is the development of the split between Magneto and Xavier. Naturally there are parallels to various struggles between different groups of humans, which of course proves Magn

User Journal

Journal Journal: I love it when a movie pleasantly surprises me.

I've had Beautiful Boy in my Netflix queue forever; finally got it this weekend and gave it a watch. I knew nothing about it other than the main cast and the description on Netflix. Even before I saw the film it was off to a good start; for my money Maria Bello is one of the most beautiful women in the world (suck it, Angelina Jolie). Then as the movie progresses who has a small role? Not only Alan Tudyk, but also Moon Bloodgood; phenomenal. The cherry on top? The very minor role of hot

User Journal

Journal Journal: An observation.

The typical Slashdotter will lose his fucking shit if you mention Ron Paul in a negative way.

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