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Comment Re:Why? Just standardization? (Score 1) 479

During the early 00s nobody cared about anything else than IE because there was no decent alternative (Netscape was hell at the time), so, anything written/acquired back then only really supported IE. Rather than spend money on making it work with newer browsers, the companies decided that they'd just set IE6 as a requirement and force companies to either pay for costly migrations to more modern software, or keep IE6 installed.

Comment Re:Taking out capital ships? (Score 2, Interesting) 618

However, the threat scenario with Club-K missiles (according to TFA) is not a "shooting war between first world powers". The concern is that if a terrorist organization were to get these missiles, they could sneak up on a warship that doesn't know it's at war. Your step 1 is already solved if you have a ship within visual range.

Not sure what you do about step 3, though. Also not sure why it's more likely that terrorists get these than any other Russian weapon.

Comment Re:Don't blow shit up - problem solved (Score 0, Flamebait) 409

I could have told you that on 9/12.
In fact I did tell people that, saying going to war is not the solution,
but at the time people were thinking like animals. All they could see was "red" and revenge.

How very astute of you.

I'm sorry to say, but it's not possible to prove something's validity through the failure of your opposition. Yes, it's a start, but as the history of rulers and political systems of the 20th century can attest, it's also a good way to bring a bitter end to things: Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, and many others said "their ways don't work, follow me" and there was even more suffering than under the previous rule.

The reality is that there are many other ways in which those wars could have been fought - indeed, there are many ways which many people wanted to see those wars fought which never occurred. The actual people who were "thinking like animals" wanted to carpet bomb their countries and utterly destroy them. Between them and your irrationally passive approach, we came up with what we got.

As for the 9/11 bombers, people seem to forget that it was diversity and open-minded political correctness which brought them here. We've known since the 1970s that their type (affluent Arabic Muslim men) are the stereotype for Islamic terrorism, yet we continued to let them in.

It's more complex than just "better locks"; significantly more so. I and most sane people would agree that is a necessary first step, but it's one step of many.

Proactively ruling out retributive attacks against enemies is just as, if not more, foolish than throwing an inappropriate level of force at a problem. But just because that level of force is ineffective does not mean that force was not the solution you were looking for.

Comment Re:Best prank ever (Score 1) 217

Here's the problem, though. The News media may be a trusted channel - but the very fact that civil authorities (first responders, military, etc) were not notifying the mayor of the situation should have immediately raised red flags everywhere. No notice from the police, for example, indicates that either a) the police have been wiped out, or b) there is nothing to report.

Comment Poor Dr. Okun... (Score 1) 464

It makes sense to revisit this story - surely every alien didn't die immediately, right? But the only story that makes sense would be some post-apocalyptic, mad-max nightmare scenario, with shades of District 9 and alien tech being used for shenanigans. Not sure what new material they'd be able to bring to the table - unless they do a prequel with the Roswell landing, which has its own challenges.

So, so easy to screw this one up.

Comment Re:Be warned, the community is noxious (Score 1) 118

It's a great game, and I've had fun with it since they posted the closed beta on Slashdot last year. I'm the sort of player who has the occasional really, really good game - and that makes the complete failures more tolerable. I agree, the community gets pretty worked up over the tiniest things - and may your chosen diety be with you if you have more deaths than kills. It speaks well to the game that the community is so passionate about it, but that may be a disadvantage to new players.

You might want to have a look at www.honcast.com, as well - they broadcast competitive matches between top teams.

Comment Look to the professionals (Score 1) 235

This'll sound stupid, but call your local municipal government. My city, for example, has a nice big scanner that works well for old and well-worn maps. They might even scan the maps for free, esp. if they can keep copies (if your maps include their jurisdiction). Your other option may be to contact a blue-print or architectural printer - even if they don't offer this sort of service, they may know someone in your area who can help.

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