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Comment Re:Sounds about right. (Score 1) 266

I’d argue that upwards of half of the products sold as “degrees” today, aren’t worth the paper they’re printed on.

It really depends on the source of the degree. Distance learning? Most of the degrees are trash. In fact, most people who start a distance learning degree don't even finish.

4-year degree from a brick-and-mortar R1 school ( Almost certainly worth it. And notice the lack of for-profit schools in that list.

Comment Re:I'm a bit surprised (Score 1) 266

That's because perceived worthless degrees do not fully describe the breadth of a college education. A person who graduates with a degree in Social Psychology (a field that is completely saturated by people who want to learn the subject, but not practice the science) still had to complete a large amount of writing, math, research, science, and related courses.

It's how people who graduate with degrees in biology still know about art history and those freshly minted engineers understand a thing or two about the endocrine system.

Comment Re:I'll Just Repeat a Previous Comment (Score 1) 266

I have worked in one of the world's most prestigious universities for the last two decades. The goal of dropping standardized testing was never to increase enrollment in general. We CAN'T increase enrollment. There's not enough space and there's not enough land or money to build/staff more seats.

There are two goals:

1. Remove the advantage that more privileged households have in preparing their students for standardized exams. A family with a household income of $500,000 is more likely to pay for SAT prep classes and temporarily increase a student's SAT score than a family with a household income of $75,000.
2. Remove the perceived racial/ethnic imbalance (supposedly) imposed by standardized testing.

That said, both motivations are horribly ill-conceived and rely on the idea that admitting under-prepared students to prestigious 4-year universities will give them the opportunity to succeed, graduate, get good jobs, and lift their family (or start a new one) out of poverty. If you speak with any of the educators at these schools, though, they'll tell you that their students are the least prepared they've ever seen. And those same educators will likely tell you that they're not allowed to give fully honest grades for fear of failing a student out of college and leaving that student with no degree and some amount of student debt.

It's why some of the schools that had dropped the SATs a few years ago are already beginning the process of readopting such exams.

Comment Re:The government has been pushing college for yea (Score 1) 266

This is absolute BS. There has never been a statement or a reason to believe that the reason the US Gov't pushes higher education is to reduce unemployment during college years. I've been in higher education for 20 years and that's literally never, ever, ever come up. The goals have always been:

1. Research to advance all aspects of society and economy
2. Education to improve the quality of the body politic and future employee base

atop that generates a boatload of student debt that you feel compelled to work to get rid of

That's not a motivation. That's a liability! And while higher education has gotten significantly more expensive since the 1990s, it's asymmetrically sourced and distributed. For-profit colleges, for example, are absolute experts at managing the federal and state financial aid system, but rarely result in a valuable or useful education for the student. These include distance learning colleges, bible colleges, beautician schools, etc. The student debt default rate for these schools is extreme. These people are victims of an exploitative system.

Non-profit, brick-and-mortar colleges (including State schools) however, have a a MUCH lower default rate because they actually provide an education which translates into greater earning and production potential. Moreover, the funds paid by students actually go back to the mission of the colleges: education and research (not profit). For these students, the only gouging that happens is from the cost of living near these high-quality brick-and-mortar colleges and universities. THAT is where the cost of being a student as most increased. RENT is killer in these areas!

Sending someone to an apropos vocational education is not as lucrative.

There is no aspect of the federal student loan system that generates positive revenue for the government and thus there is no discussion of which student debt is more lucrative.

Comment Re:TOD (Score 2) 203

I work in sustainability. I facilitate EV adoption. This is 100% the case. Most interestingly, though, electric vehicle mandates and solar rooftops pushed the PIE much higher than would have happened naturally which will make the TOD fall feel pretty extreme. In the process, the EV PIE crowded out the easier-to-implement HFC tech which is in the shadows getting better and greener every month. I wouldn't be surprised if HFC is outright more cost effective in every sector (ownership, fueling, lifecycle, etc.) than BEV by the time BEV comes out of TOD.

Universal BEV fueling infrastructure is just SO MUCH HARDER to make happen (and maintain/sustain) than anyone has been willing to talk about over the last 10 years. Speak to any utility or EVSE mfg. and they'll tell you.

And we're not even talking about battery waste yet...

Comment Re:Absolutely Nothing New (Score 1) 109

Fantastic example! Uniformed soldiers, marines, sailors, and ROTC members lead the national anthem pretty much throughout American athletics (which are entertainment endeavors first and foremost) not to mention all the air force fly-bys and air shows.

And the complaint is sponsoring video game competitions in the name of "developing brains"?

Comment Absolutely Nothing New (Score 1) 109

- The military has backed or directly facilitated wartime and peacetime movies since the 1930s.
- "GI Joe" was created to 1964. They've had multiple cartoons and movies since the 80s.
- "America's Army" was a series of first-person shooter video games developed and published by the U.S. Army starting in 2002.

Military sponsorship of youth-targeted entertainment is nothing new. That military recruitment is continually falling despite continually increasing investment shows that their recruitment problem is less about visibility and more due to other factors (veteran treatment post-service, etc.).

noting the military relies on gaming's appeal to young teens, whose brains are still developing, to influence future decisions about military service

Brain development has nothing to do with it. We raise young men to like guns, to want to be a hero, and to idolize the heroic endeavors of the military of years' past. If we don't want young men to volunteer for military service, then we should probably find other means for meeting the obligations of today's and tomorrow's military... because someone still has to do those jobs.

Comment Re:I'm in the "OK. Whatever." Group (Score 1) 108

Nope. Just being honest. I'd be surprised if more than 20% of Amazon Prime subscribers even watch a Prime Streaming video once per week. It's not THE reason most people pay for the service. It's effectively "free" for most people (before they consider how much more expensive their Prime membership is because of the streaming service).

Comment Opinion from a Transportation Professional (Score 1) 362

I actually work in transportation. I like the concept and I don't like that we need it. Here's why it's needed:

1. Our driver's licensure process is too easy. It doesn't require "safe driving competency", just knowledge of operating a motor vehicle in the most common circumstances.
2. Renewing a license is rarely more than an administrative process. Over the age of 70 drivers MAY be required to pass a vision test.
3. Use of motor vehicles is legally a revocable privilege, but gross violators of traffic law are continually allowed to drive because our transportation infrastructure all but requires the use of a personal automobile outside of specific communities in California.
4. With the visible lack of traffic enforcement, people are running stop signs, red lights, and traveling beyond the speed limit more frequently and more brazenly.
5. Over 90% of adults in California have smartphones and a large (but unknown) proportion use them while operating vehicles. Their use contributes to collision frequency.
6. Traffic law/safety enforcement is almost non-existent throughout California since 2020 due to the various laws and initiatives making it more difficult or arduous to stop someone for any reason on the road.

Is it really that bad? YES. Recently, the California legislature approved the enforcement of bus lane violations, bike lane violations (parking in...), and excessive speed via camera and mailed citations instead of via in-person enforcement because of the desire to minimize interactions with those breaking the law. California has effectively neutered its traffic enforcement (and to a certain extent, law enforcement efforts in general) and needs SOME OTHER METHOD to mitigate the rate at which people are killing themselves and others on the road. Thus, speed limiters.

Now, to fix some of the widely spread myths from other comments on this article:

"Driving slower than the speed limit is more dangerous than driving above the speed limit."

This is literally never true when drivers on the road are attentive. In fact, if you're on a 2-lane road (one in each direction) with a speed limit of 45, the person ahead of you is doing 40, and you're doing 55, the person ahead of you has the right of way and is fully within their legal right to go that speed. As the person on approach YOU are creating the speed differential. As the person on approach, YOU have full control of your speed and should be able to tell that you're gaining on the vehicle.

If safe and legal, you can pass that person or you can slow down and follow at a safe distance. If you crash into that person, you will be entirely at fault.

This goes for every road user. If you see a bicyclist legally riding in the general travel lane and you hit them from behind, you are at fault because you should have simply slowed your vehicle, changed, lanes, and safely passed with 3+ feet between the outermost edge of any part of the vehicle and the bicycle.

"Speed differential, not SPEED is the unsafe issue."

That's actually correct, but people draw the wrong conclusions from it. Capping speeds mitigates reduces the maximum speed differential and thus this statement actually is supportive of a speed restrictor.

"It's illegal to go slow!"

No it's not. If you want to go 50 in a 55, that's 100% OK, but you need to be ready to pull off to the side when 5 or more vehicles have accumulated behind you on a two-lane road.

"You can lose control at any speed. Limiting speed won't prevent crashes."

This is objectively false. If we had a universal restricted speed of 5 mph, there would obviously be fewer collisions (and fewer SEVERE) collisions than with the current system. Why? Because everyone would be traveling slow enough that even the most negligent people would have enough time to respond to potential conflicts up ahead. That same principle stands when you increase the speed restriction level until the point where a person's reaction time can no longer compensate for the speed. What is that speed? It's different per person (age, experience, disabilities, etc.) and vehicle (condition, performance). Generally speaking, it's somewhere between 50mph and 80mph and it's on a curve with fewer and fewer people being competent at the higher speeds.

Giving our EXTREMELY lax licensure standards, it make sense to treat everyone as "less competent".

"This is big brother trying to control you/me!"

Kinda, but only because the siblings as a whole can't get their act together.

Comment I'm in the "OK. Whatever." Group (Score 1) 108

I subscribed to Amazon Prime years ago before they had a streaming video service. They added it on with no explicit price increase. Prime has increased in price since then, but the value of prime for delivery and returns is absolutely worth it for me before even considering the streaming. Now, I also happen to like a few of the Prime-only shows they've produced and I appreciate non-Prime things being made available. They're not my go-to but I like it.

Commercials are not offensive to me. I doubt I will notice them when I have a show/movie on unless they modify volumes irrationally.

I think the bigger issue are streaming companies who exclusively offer streaming services and then change the terms of their subscription models. Netflix provides a streaming-only produce (as compared to Prime shipping & streaming) and is implementing commercials at their cheapest level. THAT is unacceptable.

Comment Side-Stepping the Warrant Process, Liability (Score 2) 64

This is a good move by Amazon as it likely reduces legal liability on their part. In America, law enforcement is allowed to request anything of you. (It doesn't hurt to ask.) They cannot however demand all things from you. For that, they need a warrant or one of a few justifications that would be argued in court at a later date.

The problem is that most people don't understand the nuance of their rights, the authority of law enforcement, or the consequences of certain actions, so they may just comply because they assume that every request is effectively a court-backed warrant. If someone provides video as requested by law enforcement in relation to a crime and in the process incriminates him/herself for something unrelated to the original request, they may turn around and blame Amazon. They may assert that since Amazon is facilitating this conversation between law enforcement and a camera-owner, that Amazon is validating the request as 100% legitimate and that the owner is required to comply.

Comment How is this shocking? (Score 1) 57

A human translator costs at least $30/hour plus benefits and they can't just go in and type a word-for-word translation. They need to learn the nuance of what is being said and translate it according to the nuance of the language. Nobody wants to pay that much money for an group that may make up a non-substantial proportion of website visitors.

A better conclusion would be, "Providing an equal level of service across all populations' needs is extremely expensive and businesses/organizations will take shortcuts where necessary."

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