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Comment Re:How to read code (Score 3, Informative) 254

For me, if I can't understand code written by someone else (which happens much more frequently than I care to admit), I'll do a spike and I'll try to rewrite the core functionality from scratch. Now don't get me wrong. This doesn't mean that my code will be half as good as the original implementation, in fact, it won't be for sure, since I won't spend much time on it. For me, that exercise is just a way for me to initially orient myself (and I do not keep the code I write during that phase).

If I'm lucky enough to have a good original version history of the code base, I'll go and pull up the original 0.1 version of the code (while I'm doing my own rewrite). Even if that version of the code is completely wrong. It still has a much higher chance of being something I'll understand. And then, I'll have a better understanding of what the developers were trying to do in the subsequent evolution of the project. Then, I'll isolate the parts of the latest code base I can safely break without breaking the entire thing, and I'll focus on those parts first.

Of course, during that next phase, I'd like to say I write unit-tests for the parts I modify before I modify them, but that's usually not how I work. I'll often have to fall down flat on my face a couple of times, cry in pain and frustration, and tear my hair out, before I'm willing give up and go back to doing things properly with unit tests. This does happen quite frequently, because I never seem to learn my lesson.

And of course, like someone else said already, I will also draw all kinds of mind maps and doodles throughout the entire process. And also, if I have access to one of the original developers who wrote the code, that's even better. If I can pair program with one of those persons, that's the ideal. If I can't, then talking to that person is the second best alternative. That person will be the best person to know all the weak points of his code base, give you a thumbnail overview of the architecture, and he will also be the best person to point out what parts you can work on first (so that you can gain confidence and a gradual understanding) that are the least likely to break the entire thing.

Comment Re:Noisy isn't it. (Score 1) 123

350 pound flight capacity minus 187 pound vehicle weight seems to indicate a 163 pound (74 kilo) passenger limit. Not great, but that's certainly not "anorexic child-size styrofoam dummy" either.

And yet, that's not the weight they actually used for their demo flight, not even close, otherwise they would have used a normal-sized dummy, or a dummy that you can fill up with weights to approximate the weight of a real person (even a small real person).

So when they say that their "takeoff weight" is "about 350 lbs", I'm assuming they mean it's the maximum weight that would be sufficient to lift their apparatus just 1 millimeter off the ground for just about half a second, and no more.

In my experience, I find it usually helps to assume the worst when people are seeking attention and funding for their project, and are making bold new claims about what their project can already do.

Comment Re:Noisy isn't it. (Score 1) 123

Seriously I think the greatest invention of the 21st C could be silent fans. That bike looks like great fun but the noise is a killer.

That bike looks like great fun if you happen to be an anorexic child-size styrofoam dummy.

If you happen to be a real human being slightly over 100 pounds (or slightly over 45 kg, which is really not a lot), that bike will probably just barely lift off the ground.

Comment Re:Not bicycle powered? (Score 1) 123

If it's not powered by pedaling, then what's the point of the bicycle part?

Aside from the click-bait value of having that word in the title, I suppose having the bicycle would be handy for moving the device from point A to point B when the battery is out of juice (which will probably be 99% of the time).

You just bolt a bicycle to the inside of the cockpit of a 747 and then say it's a flying bicycle.

That wouldn't work for my daily telecommute. Assuming I could even pedal the 747 out of the airport i'd fly into, I would have a heck of a time finding a parking spot for it near my workplace.

Comment Re:Resistance is futile, you will be assimilated. (Score 1) 197

Side-loading won't do squat for a multi-player game with a server-side controlled by the new owner.

Just go to any of the app stores, there are plenty of Scrabble clones. Hasbro Inc. doesn't really own the concept of Scrabble, just the trademark. I assume this is probably because the concept most likely predates Hasbro's version of the game (otherwise, Hasbro would have fought to remove all the Scrabble-like games from all the app stores, or the ones that looked like theirs, and as it stands they didn't)

Comment Re:Moved to deb-multimedia.org (Score 3, Informative) 159

Not sure if you're using the debian-multimedia repository? You can easily check it by running:

grep debian-multimedia.org /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*

If you can see debian-multimedia.org line in output, you should remove all the lines including it.

Comment Re:Pen input? (Score 1) 29

Apologies for being off-topic, but does anyone know of anything like this?

Technically, Samsung Note and some of the Windows 8 devices are using the same underlying Wacom digitizer technology, so they both should be just as good.

Wacom is freaking awesome! It can tell the difference between your fingers and the pen. It has pressure sensitivity and can even detect if the pen is just hovering over the glass.

Comment Re:Copies are not you! (Score 1) 383

Another idiot that doesn't realize the difference between a copy and themself.

In this case, it's not even a copy, it's a simulation. In any case, all of us are already biological copies of ourselves, since our cells are constantly being replaced.

Just to be safe thought, I think we should all GPL ourselves, so we don't become the exclusive personal property of this Russian media mogul. I would hate to have my sole remaining copy/derivative of myself spend the rest of its eternity in servitude on some Russian guy's iPod shuffle.

Comment Re:And what else did you expect? (Score 4, Insightful) 24

Did anyone really expect them to say different?

I didn't.

The application asked for permission to send sms (and potentially cost you money).

It's not malware if it tells you exactly what it's going to do, and then does it with your explicit permission (not that it even did that since it was only a proof-of-concept app). It's only a malware app if someone else has temporary possession of your phone, plus its pin number, and then installs the application just to cause you harm without you knowing.

And this is actually nothing new to Android users.

Comment Re:Geotarding? (Score 1) 153

Despite several people telling Google that their maps are wrong they never get changed.

I can actually confirm a similar experience I had with them 5 five years ago.

I submitted a correction, I double-checked the same location six months later, and it still wasn't corrected (I'm not even sure it ever got corrected, and this was in Mountain View near to where Google HQ is located). At the very least, they should issue me a ticket number so I can check back on the status of each correction I enter. I actually don't mind if my change gets rejected (but I'd at least like to know that someone took the time to look at it).

In your case, you should also check with your County maps as well. It could also be that Google Maps doesn't want to override official maps when it becomes a question of property lines. It wouldn't be the first time that people tried to alter Google Maps to prevent people using a public road that they're trying to appropriate for their own private use.

Google best?

Try telling that to the HGV drivers from a well known trucking company (No Eddie S) who get lost where I live due to Google telling them that
1) my road is a through road (I was 30+ years ago)
2) it is suitable for 32+Tonne vehicles (It is not).

Does Google Navigation even provide information for 32+ tonne vehicles? It just sounds to me like those truck drivers are using a tool designed for consumer driving navigation (when they should be using something else instead).

Comment Re:Geotarding? (Score 2) 153

Other than some well publicised issues at launch time I've found that for me Apple Maps works at least as well as Google Maps. Maybe its down to where you are in the world.

I can't speak for the parent since I'm not an iPhone user.

But could it be that Apple doesn't have turn-by-turn walking directions yet, or real-time transit directions, or even somekind of street-view equivalent.

For instance, I read a consumer study in the UK a few years back that said that Google Navigation would consistently beat out its standalone gps competitors in terms of speed at getting to a destination, because it automatically showed a street view picture of the address at the end of the journey. Apparently, this small feature allowed the test drivers to arrive earlier by at least a margin of five minutes each time, because they didn't waste any time trying to find the exact address of a building once on the scene.

Comment Not happy (Score 4, Informative) 153

I'm not too happy about this. Waze was the only alternative that could go toe-to-toe with Google Maps Navigation in terms of doing real-time crowdsourcing aggregation of driving data.

I know there are others like Nokia (which purchased Navteq, currently the leader in maps), Microsoft, and Tom Tom, but those others don't work nearly as well mostly because they haven't done anything new in the last ten years.

At least, there is Open Street Maps now, but that still doesn't have good turn-by-turn navigation (nor good real-time up-to-the-second information).

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