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Comment Re:Or not - the data is not up-to-date (Score 1) 580

Either Google has extremely high turnover of employees that have kids in daycare for the numbers to drop that far in such a short time or their explanation is only half-true

Or the parents provided up-to-date records to the daycare when they enrolled their kids, then never updated them because no one asked.

Comment Re:Attempted murder by proxy (Score 1) 327

Murder doesn't require intention that someone should die. An action where it is reasonably foreseeable that someone could die, and someone dies as a result, is murder.

It's a lesser degree of homicide, sometimes termed "murder", sometimes "voluntary manslaughter".

If a swatting call that results in death is murder, then a swatting call that doesn't result in death would be attempted murder.

This doesn't actually follow. An attempt does require intent, even if there are circumstances where the underlying crime would not.

Comment Re:What about the No. 1 reason? (Score 1) 254

I answered THAT question, and pointed out that it is a red herring; The "nerdiness" demographic is conserved by BOTH genders, with a tiny bias toward males. That's what the statistics show, and continue to show in other STEM vocations.

No. Almost every engineering field skews heavily male, as does computer science. Biology and health-related fields all skew female. Mathematics and Chemistry approximate parity and Physics skews male but not as heavily as computer science and engineering.

Comment Re:Fuck Google (Score 1) 254

As for empirical study, the rates of CS involvement with women closely followed those with men until about the 80s, when the home computer showed up on the scene, and the advert material focused almost exclusively on male demographics.

Utter bullshit. In 1972, women made up about 20% of computer programmers in the US. This narrative about the personal computer is a recent fabrication. In fact, women's participation in the field hit a local maximum around 1984.

There was an earlier era starting during WWII when women were the majority of programmers in the US... but it was a VERY small field during WWII, and I don't have figures before 1972 so I don't know when that changed.

Comment And on the gripping hand... (Score 1) 259

As a few ACs have colorfully pointed out, foreign language in high school is useless. You can go in, take the course, pass with flying colors, and not be able to speak or read beyond knowing how to greet someone.

I imagine computer science education in high school is equally useless, so the change is of no real consequence.

Comment Re:Please no more freeze peach. (Score 1) 467

The web doesn't need more "free speech" platforms. One person's dissident is another person's obnoxious, hateful, PTSD-triggering, and/or actually murderous asshole.

People role-playing at PTSD in order to provide a justification to silence others trigger me. If my saying "Niagra Falls" triggers you, that's your problem.

(Bonus points: 8chan is run by a wheelchair-bound neo-Nazi who thinks eugenics would have kept him from being born with brittle bone disease.)

Have no idea about "neo-Nazi" or whether he actually thinks that, but it's probably true; most cases of brittle bone disease are inherited. Of course, in that case, eugenics would have prevented him from being born at all.

Comment Change the site name to SJWDot (Score 2) 271

Yay, another "women are better than men" article, soon to be followed with an article that insists men and women are exactly the same so therefore gender disparities in men's favor mean discrimination.

Also: "Other thoughts she shares have to do with finding mentors and dealing with negative people"

You know what you do with negative people? You give them work to do. Because you damn sure won't get so much out of positive rah-rah people; they're positive someone else will do it and aren't willing to look at the challenges long enough to figure out a way to overcome them. Though they'll be happy to take all the credit once the negative people do so... no matter, the negative people knew that would happen.

Comment Re:This thread will be a sewer of misogyny (Score 1) 779

Star Wars was the number one movie of 1977. It's one of the most profitable franchises of all time also. Still associated with geeks. Geeks are still outside mainstream culture; it's just that certain geek-associated things are in fashion now. You may as well claim 1%er motorcycle clubs aren't counterculture because Sons of Anarchy is popular.

Comment Nutrition science isn't (Score 1) 958

Nutrition science is terrible, and the close watch on it paid by various agencies (private and government) is even worse. Every time some case-control study on some nutrient shows it's bad or good, it gets jumped on as some fad. Then of course it turns out to be random noise. Doesn't mean science doesn't work, it means many of the ways we have for teasing small signals from noisy data have a nasty tendency to false positives.

Unfortunately, nutrition science isn't terrible because nutrition scientists suck. It's terrible because it's hard; you can't really do repeatable controlled studies.

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