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Comment Re:Who keeps posting this garbage? (Score 1) 613

Women (and men) come into their sexuality when they are teenagers (or late pre-teens for some). Thus, most of them will have their first experience of being viewed sexually either by

1) Other teenagers who are just as unfamiliar with sexuality as they are.

2) Older men, which is automatically not positive in modern society.

Neither of these is a formula for a "positive and empowering" experience. Being a teenager has its drawbacks.

Not really sure what it has to do with sexism in science.

Comment Re:This is a good thing! (Score 1) 613

Step 1 would be to determine what the current level of sexism is in the particular institutions. But "social justice" skips this by positing "privilege", which amounts to an inexhaustible source of sexism. That way, if there ever actually appears to be bias towards women (which there often does), just wave the magic wand and presto, that bias is simply countering "privilege".

Personally I think current "social justice" antics demonstrate there isn't much sexism against women. If you have to go to "microaggressions" to find any, and aren't willing to even consider that these "microaggressions" might just be people dealing with people imperfectly and not necessarily related to gender, it seems clear there aren't any serious problems.

Comment Re:Again? (Score 1) 613

Let's be clear, it's not simply feeling a bit uneasy because you are the only woman.

A lot of feminists define that as sexism also.

It's actual sexism, often unintentional but sexism none the less.

Quite often, it is treating women no differently than they treat men. Yet when they do it to women it's sexist. Of course, if they treat women better than they treat men, it's also sexist.

Comment Re:Woman in Tech Here (Score 1) 613

Or maybe, just perhaps, you are not the one that all the Sturm und Drang are directed at. I see a whole lot of hand wringing in the comments indicating that a lot of guys here feel personally affronted by this story (and similar stories).

That's just sticking your head in the sand. As a white cis male heterosexual geek, I'm exactly who they're directing their ire at; I've been told as much. And that's just from my race, sex, and sexuality, before I start saying anything they disagree with, which really sets them off.

Comment Re:Again? (Score 4, Informative) 613

Vet schools on average admit 4 males for ever female student admitted. But when the personal details on applications are obscured, so that the selection committees do not know the gender of applicants - it switches to 60/40 female selection !

Since vet schools are 80% female, I assume you managed to accidentally reverse the genders here.

Comment Re: Your attitude is sexist (Score 4, Insightful) 613

The term "brogrammer" is kind of a shibboleth; if someone seriously talks about "brogramming" or the "brogramming culture", they're completely disconnected from reality. The whole "brogramming" thing was a hoax, an obvious joke based on the juxtaposition of the opposites of "nerds" and "bros". The press and blogs picked up on it as if it were real (it's still not clear which were in on the joke).

There's no "brogramming culture" where coders with popped collars drink Natty Bo and lift weights in one hand while pounding code in the other. There may be a few fake "brogrammers" out there in a life-imitates-art sort of way, and a few legitimate "bros" who are actually programmers, but "brogramming" was never a thing.

Comment Re:I read the article (Score 4, Insightful) 613

You want to know how to really contribute to the problem? Tell women that their co-workers, who will be largely male, are a horrible bunch of sexists who will mistreat them based on their gender. If they don't quit right there, teach them that any action those men take is a "microaggression" directed at them as a result of their gender. Teach them that the appropriate response to these "microaggressions" is to be extremely upset and angry, possibly to file a complaint with management or HR. Tell them (and convince HR) that a man defending himself from such a complaint is itself sexism and oppression. This will ensure the women always believe they are being oppressed, that they always feel uncomfortable, and that their male co-workers will never feel comfortable with them and will be apprehensive if they are anywhere around.

Then, once you've done this, blame the toxic environment you've created on male sexism. It's a positive feedback loop.

Comment Re:Who keeps posting this garbage? (Score 5, Informative) 613

Sorry ladies, that's not why you're being treated like crap in grad school. You're being treated like crap because everyone is treated like crap in grad school. Yes, something should be done about that, but it isn't driven by sexism.

There's an couple pat answers to that, though:

F: "Bad thing X happened to me! I'm being oppressed because of my gender!"
M: "Bad thing X happens to everyone"
F: "Stop mansplaining, shitlord oppressor!"

F: "Bad thing X happened to me! I'm being oppressed because of my gender!"
M: "What are you talking about? Bad thing X happens to me all the time"
F: "It's not about YOU, shitlord oppressor!"

Comment Re:It is (Score 1) 613

No, we're not actually outsiders. Your SJW group is very small; it's just powerful for its size because it is utterly ruthless and has the protection of authority. Most everyone else has to keep their heads down where you reign. But I think you've about reached your limit and are on the downswing. Your hypocrisy is showing everywhere. Your tactics have generated disgust in the uninvolved. Your overreach has been spotlighted on the national stage (more than once). You have influential opponents in the Left as well as the Right.

Much of your power lay in your pretense and conviction that your views represent the majority of people and the totality of right-thinking people. It's becoming clearer and clearer that this is simply not the case. You're going to go back to being just another radical hate group, same way as you started.

Comment Re:Pretty weak (Score 0) 386

C++ exceptions in particular aren't "broke". But exceptions in general are. The last thing I need in my language is spooky action at a distance. When I write two function calls in a row I want to know that, barring the end of the process, once the first is completed it'll execute the second. Not skip executing the second because somewhere deep in a library routine an exception was thrown that was caught somewhere above me in the call stack.

Comment Re: nature will breed it out (Score 1) 950

Men being cavemen is reinforced by women -- regressive / aggressive behavior is rewarded by them. They like to bitch about knuckledragger behavior, yet men who don't exhibit it are ignored in the dating / mating arena.

Well, if that's what you believe, the logical thing to do is to behave that way and succeed.

And in that way, a pickup artist is born.

As someone else pointed out upthread, the problem with PUAs isn't so much them; they're insignificant compared to the larger population of men who act that way naturally. The problem with PUAs is they succeed... and that's not really a problem they've created.

Comment Re:nature will breed it out (Score 1) 950

If you change "male" to "female" then that's exactly what feminists were saying back in the 60s. You can fix the problem by adopting feminist ideals. Feminists want the same liberation for men, always have.

Meanwhile your fellow SJW PopeRatzo is busy razzing men for being unmasculine "pissbabies"; the masculine idea, of course, is to never complain.

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