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Comment Re:But (Score 1) 191

No kidding. Who needs an earthquake when the power goes out at -30f.

Having said that, I moved here from the South some 25 years ago. I don't think I've had a power loss in the winter here.

We had them all the time from winter ice storms down South. I've lost power up here in the summer time many times from an hour to a week once in south Minneapolis. But thank God/Whoever, never in the winter.

Comment Re:As long as certain rules are kept (Score 3, Insightful) 383

Good point. I'm at an age where my friends are dying every year or so. As someone who has had to "close up shop" for some of them, it's a royal bitch to do when their online life can't be accessed. Stopping the mail, shutting down the online business, etc.

"Oh, they should have prepared for that in advance, as soon as they knew they were going to die". Yeah, well, perhaps in some fantasy world. No, the survivors clean up in real life.

Comment Re:Sick of Denialists (Score 1) 165

Wrong about a few things. Health care isn't a Communist benefit. Oh, you mean forcing everyone to buy Obamacare. Not a "benefit".

border fences with guards who shoot to kill (Arizona, California border with Mexico)...

Wrong again on a couple of levels.

1. You may be too young to remember, but places like the USSR, East Germany and Cuba kill(ed) people trying to leave, not come in. And..

2. I know a border guard currently on duty. He is constantly told not to engage illegals and to stay away from specific parts of the border at certain times. And they spend a LOT of money and time giving health care, etc. to the illegals they catch

Not remotely similar to the referenced "border fences".

Comment In my case, why not? (Score 1) 125

In a sensible health insurance market, I might very well want to have insurance companies have my personal health data.

I'm 61 and in perfect health. Literally, perfect health. Superb lipid profile, low blood sugar, not over weight, no diseases, never smoked, don't drink, athlete level blood pressure, etc. I work my ass off keeping this way.

I WANT the damn insurance companies to discriminate on the basis of "pre existing conditions". Note that the term "pre existing conditions" is an insurance industry term, nothing to do with health care.

I damn sure don't want anyone selling any information about me and I'm sure Google will, but as I said, in an ideal world, I'd give it to the parasitic insurance industry.

No, scratch the above. In a ideal world, I wouldn't have to worry about health insurance at all. I only need some now I order to set up an HSA. And I only want to set up an HSA in order to save some money in taxes. In an ideal world, I'd just pay for my own health care and not have to screw around with government corruption and confiscatory taxes in the first place.

Comment Re:There's another treatment that stops most T2 (Score 2) 253

No, only bad food tastes bad. People today don't know what healthy food is. Bacon and eggs are healthy foods. Butter is healthy food. Starchy carbs are tasty, but unhealthy foods. Rice cakes are unhealthy food. You may have an eating disorder, but that's a different problem.

I agree completely that exercise for the sake of exercise sucks. The trick to happiness in exercise to find something you can enjoy for it's own sake. Physical activity is great for lots of reasons, but weight loss isn't one of them. If you are on a carb diet, you generally can't lose *fat* from exercise. You can burn glucose OR fat. It's called the Randall cycle . You have to get into a fat burning metabolism to burn fat. Otherwise you're just burning muscle and liver stored glycogen and storing the fat.

I'm a 61 year old judo competitor. A little over 4 years ago, I started eating lots of fat, moderate protein and very low carb intake. I lost 40lbs in about 6 months and it didn't come back. I never count calories, eat tons of eggs and very little grain, whole or otherwise. My cholesterol panels went from getting-ready-to-die to teenage athlete levels. Yes, I get plenty of exercise in the dojo, but that literally hasn't changed in decades. Only the diet changed. Eating fat and cutting the carbs is what made the difference for me and about a dozen of my friends.

Comment Re:This reminds me of a great Simpsons episode (Score 1) 625

No, to lose weight I have to eat fewer calories than I burn. That's how it works.

Way too simplistic. The human body is vastly more subtly regulated than that. It's not the number of calories nearly as much as the type of calories. Hormones completely control fat storage and utilization and the type of calories ingested hugely affect hormone secretion.

Deprivation is a miserable weight loss strategy and almost always fails after a short struggle.

Comment Re:on behalf of america (Score 1) 625

The "victims" aren't victims of obesity per se. They, and I used to be a member of that club, are victims of having been systematically lied to by a combination of dumbass "nutrition experts" and the carbohydrate industry/corporate agriculture.

The science regarding mammalian metabolism is well established and uncontroversial among endocrinologists. As one put it a while back "Carbohydrate drives insulin drives fat". I completely ignore the so called Paleo diet, even though I lost 40 lbs. over four years ago and kept it off essentially eating that way. I don't really care what great-great-great granddaddy judoguy supposedly ate. I'm interested in what modern science says. Modern science says that fat utilization and storage are 100% controlled by hormones and hormones are hugely affected by diet. Everything else is superstition.

Comment Re:Why? (Score 1) 309

Hear, hear! I've spent decades building back office applications. The interactivity demanded by my users FAR exceeds anything a browser based system can provide.

Not to say browser based applications aren't great, even the only way to go for some stuff. They really are, but some things (highly data centric, tightly integrated with other software for maximum utility) aps are best handled by "fat client" applications.

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