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Comment Notice something about that article? (Score 4, Insightful) 362

Some quotes from the article:

According to Bloomberg, Gundlach has suggested the Tesla Motors [NSDQ:TSLA] CEO get out of the car-making business, and concentrate fully on developing batteries for use in other vehicles.

In contrast to those traders though, Gundlach says he'd much rather buy Tesla shares than invest in a company like Twitter--and is much more concerned about the "killer" return speculative investors could get from Tesla becoming a battery-only business.

He sees Tesla as a better investment than technology companies like Twitter, whose shares recently dropped to their lowest point yet, less than a sixth the price of Tesla shares.

This article has nothing to do with technology and everything to do with maximizing third party investments. This is exactly what's wrong with the world right here, in a nutshell. Here we have an honest-to-goodness NEW thing. The Tesla car company. Finally a viable alternative to gasoline cars. The future. Less carbon emissions. Something to help the world. It's a beautiful vision.

So of course some day trading jackass wants to strip the future of that vision so he can get a better return on his stocks. To hell with the future, money is involved!

Makes me sick.

Comment Gigantic children! (Score 1) 216

Why do you need a half ton truck to drop 3 kids off at school? If you like driving trucks, fine. But don't make up nonsense justifications. You don't need that kind of tonnage just to haul children.

Unless they are gigantic, of course. Honestly the first image that popped into my mind when you made your post was that you had three children the size of gigantic granite boulders and you offload them like gravel. While "Like A Rock" is playing in the background.

Comment Einstein said it best: (Score 1) 876

“Everything should be made as simple as possible, but no simpler.”

To paraphrase: Some things would be unwieldy to program in a GUI or other oddball paradigm that would make you happy.

Some things are difficult. Combat pilot, brain surgeon, coder. Dedicate yourself and you can excel. If not, you need to do something else, rather that complain that something that interests you is difficult.

Get dedicated. LEARN. Focus and fight. Struggle and lose. Lose again. And again. Eventually win.

It's worth it, I promise you.

Comment Forget? Hell. (Score 1) 457

They'll keep right on doing it, without a pause.

Reason being you have to get in front of the judge before you can get the innocent verdict. And most people aren't going to do that. The thing that makes this article noteworthy is because someone finally challenged the police on this point after decades of them doing it.

Same reason why they write traffic tickets in the first place. If absolutely everyone fought them, the court would be choked and cops full time job would be to be in court. They're counting on the average citizen's apathy to keep that from happening. And it happens to work.

Comment Should be a fascinating read (Score 3, Interesting) 223

Can't wait to have a look at it. We know there will be backdoors and other goodies in it. Should be absolutely amazing to see what it monitors, how it does so, whom it calls home to, and so on. Let's see what China considers an ideal piece of software.

I think this will be a powerfully interesting piece of software to study. We'll learn a lot from it, I'll bet.

Comment Sounds fantastic! (Score 5, Funny) 89

All the stability of Internet Explorer for a developer sandbox, and all the speed of your local internet connection! No more pesky waiting for your SATA drive! Now you can access your code through the blazing speed of your cable modem! MUCH faster. And add to that the security of not actually hosting your files locally. The cloud is always a better solution! For anything! I feel much better knowing that some faceless someone at Microsoft will be in charge of my backups. I certainly can't be trusted to do them.

Win-win I say. This sounds golden.

Comment Re:Bring on the wearable interfaces. (Score 2) 453

Exactly. If it was fun they wouldn't have to pay you to be there. This is where he goes wrong:

"Being able to sit quietly in an irrelevant meeting isn't actually a particularly useful skill in the rest of life, so I can hardly blame anyone for wanting something to do or some other distraction during them."

Yes it is a useful skill in life. It's part of how you stay employed. Your boss wants you in the meeting, so you are in the meeting. End of story. Wanting "some other distraction" is another way of saying "you're boring me" and is a career limiting move. Stay alert, stay attentive. Spend the entire meeting trying to think of something to add to it. A viewpoint missed or a good question unasked.

That's what you're there for.

Submission + - Bipartisan Bill Introduced to Slay Patent Trolls (

Weaselmancer writes: In what the EFF is calling "The best patent troll-killing bill yet", the Innovation Act of 2013 already has bipartisan support and some teeth to go with it. Loser pays the court bill so the "little guy" has a chance of winning in court, transparency so you can discover who actually is pushing the case, and discovery reform to throw out frivolous suits are just a few of the gems in this new proposed legislation. Read on for the full details.

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