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Comment Re:There is yet another problem with science teach (Score 1) 1038

I remember in middle school they didn't have a history teacher for us, so the science teacher was forced to teach it instead.

He usually would pick some random topics and have us do reports on them, but I wouldn't call that teaching. At least he had us reenact a play of the Irish Potato Famine.

So when people whine about 'throwing money' I can't help but think if teacher salaries were higher maybe they'd have an easier time filling the positions, and the competition for those positions would be greater. I love how CEO bonuses are great incentives but teacher salaries are a waste of money.

Comment it's obvious (Score 4, Insightful) 1038

Those who do not study a foreign language will always have worse grammar because it's easier to understand the purpose of grammar when comparing two languages together. Without a reference point native speakers will not have the intuition to check their sentences. I learned a lot more about English in my Spanish class than anywhere else.

Comment Re:Just like arsenic keeps you healthy (Score 5, Insightful) 409

On top of my point, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac may have been encouraged to lend to lower credit families, but the crisis would have happened even if they didn't exist because the other unregulated institutions went about it with much more gusto.

Fannie and Freddie's subprime loans were shown to be on the more respectable end as opposed to the other banks who pushed their mortgage brokers to get loans no matter what the risk.

The only thing Fannie and Freddie really shows is that the government endorsed the practice, but the fat cats of Wall Street made Fannie and Freddie's bad loans look likes child's play.

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