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Comment Re:What article (Score 1) 523

I married a Malay woman as well and have been over to Malaysia numerous times. I agree that Kuala Lumpur is a very modern city (reminds me a lot of New York but with billions of small motorcycles). Outside of KL, there are a handfull of other cities such as Johor and Malacca that I wouldn't mind living in but most of Malaysia is still kampung (village) style living. Where people still farm rice paddies and live in dirt floor, thatch roof, housing.

High tech in KL or Johor is a great field to be in. Johor for manufacturing and KL for developing. Malacca is more of a tourist town. Also, crime is rampant. My in-laws in KL have multiple deadbolt locks on each door as well a shoulder high wall around their property (compound) with embedded glass in the top and they still get broken into roughly ever other year. They went through a bit of culture shock when they came to stay with us for a few months after our son was born that we only had one deadbolt and didn't punctually (OCD style) lock it when we were home. Minor bribery is (referred to as coffee money) is standard.

Also, they do not have a handle on environmental issues or even waste disposal. KL is littered with trash (I think is more of a asian cultural issue though) as well as the rest of the country to varying degrees. If you're not Native Malay (read Muslim) the laws are stacked against you. But overall the cost of living there is about 1/4 to 1/5 what it is here. You can get a live in (Room and Board) Indonesian Maid/Nanny for about $1,200 US (4,500 Ringit) licensing/permit and $50 US/month ($200 Ringit). As a white guy, every time I've been over there I've been treated very well and I would consider living there if my situation permitted.

Comment Re:Who the hell is SCO? (Score 2) 113

This was the first question that popped into my head as well.... GP didn't google too hard.

Here's the brief. SCO used to be a legit company. a while back thy sold off the legit part and split into two companies, Tarantella and SCO, SCO became a troll, trying to charge linux users a 600/server license fee and claiming patents/copyright violations on linux and suing IBM, Redhat and a few other companies using linux.

This is the series of lawsuits that created groklaw.

Comment Re:Thanks - great question (Score 1) 311

I agree completely, it's not really about the toys (tools) it's about the parenting. Any toy can be overused/abused/misused, leading to issues. A good parent interacts/guides/limits their childs toy use and doesn't depend on the toy itself to raise their kids.

I would guess that the vast majority of people who are critical and linking to studies, either don't have children or don't realize that they are recommendations and guidelines to be applied by parents as they judge fit.

I'm also sure that the same Associations and Societies recommend 30-60 minutes a day of tablet use, many of these same people would criticize parents for not letting their kids have 20 hours of use time. Which, because its *more*, would somehow make them Super-Awesome Baby Einsteins.

Comment Re:baby app (Score 1) 311

replying to my own anonymous post,

I also recommend the "They Might Be Giants" Childrens CD/DVD's "Here Comes Science", "Here Come the ABC's" and "Here Comes Numbers". They also have a number of audio only cd's such as "No". While he's still too young to pick up the content, he like to dance with Mommy and Daddy to them. I also recommend things like books, blocks and balls.

At 15 months, my sons favorite activity is mastering how to walk and the runner up is throwing balls/playing catch. (Based on current trends, I'm judging that he'll be a MLB pitcher by the time he's 5.) With blocks (Mega Blocks) he still like to "deconstruct" what daddy builds and either throw them or see if they will fit in his mouth.

As for books, he is particularly fond of "Goodnight Moon" and books with big pictures of stuff that he can point at and ask "Dis?" (this?)

Other "fav" items/activities: Cat Food, Daddys TV Remote, Where's Mommy/Daddy? and playing with toilet bowl water (when left accessible).

Comment Re:Post bigotry here (Score 4, Insightful) 1113

I wish that more people would realize that the Jews, Christians and Muslims all worship the exact same God/Allah/Yahweh (The God of Abraham) they just differ in the implementation. It seems that the Christians in the US are ignorant of this fact and treat Allah as something other than God.

Comment Re:So which field of engineering (Score 1) 1774

I don't think that he's that far off base as if you're already predisposed to go with your belief vs science (as in you choose to believe in ID/Creationism over evolution) It really isn't that much of a leap to say: I'm going to use pig iron over structural steel in this here skyscraper I'm designing, because pig iron was good enough for Jesus my preacher told me so.

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