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Comment Re:Ignore the evidence (Score 1) 490

But I'd settle for nothing less then the Nobel Peace Prize.

First, I don't have to provide a model, because I'm not making the claim that there is going to be catastrophic global warming. All I have to do is point to the models that the team keeps putting out and then reference reality and show that they are not happening. We can start with Michael Mann's hockey stick. Where is it? His model predicted consecutive warming year over year. Hasn't happened. That's one down, how many more to go?

The latest models have all lowered sensitivity and yet they are still running hot. Are they gonna give that peace prize back if it turns out they were wrong?

Anywhile, there is already a 'model' called orbital dynamics that plays a key role. There are also models for solar dynamics which, despite what you may have read, have not been disproven. We will get a big test of some of solar dynamics soon, as we are about to enter a protracted period of low solar activity.

Comment Re:Look over here, look over here! (Score 1) 479

And yet the people who have been to the Pacific gyre say it is mostly Asian trash. I've been to Asia and it doesn't surprise me at all. American cities are much cleaner than most Asian cities, Singapore being a notable exception.

The average American is becoming more and more of just an average person. How much more does an average American consume than a middle-class person in Europe, Japan, China or other emerging economies? In Kenyans, of course, since that appears to be the common measurement.

Comment Trillions by 2100? (Score 1) 479

The caveat is you have to believe in Michael Mann's Hockey Stick. Which is going to start happening when exactly?

The Earth is heating. Has been before peeps started burning things. Now more peeps then ever are burning things and yet no hockey stick. Maybe there is no hockey stick? No hockey stick, no trillions saved. At least you can admit that the hockey stick is about as sketchy as models come. Most are running hotter than reality, some are going to start falling out of the error bars if it doesn't start really warming up.

Gnash your teeth and hope for warming, I guess. Other wise you may have to start rethinking this whole AGW thing.

Comment Ignore the evidence (Score 4, Interesting) 490

Ignore the pause, ignore the missing heat, ignore the solar cycles, ignore the lack of sea level rise, ignore an arctic that is not ice free, ignore ENSO effects, ignore weather stations next to tarmacs, ignore urban heating, because they don't match the models.

Ignore the money being made, ignore the cost to society, ignore the lack of true peer review, ignore the missing data, ignore academic misconduct, ignore the denied FOI requests, ignore the emails, because that is just human nature.

When you are blind, everything is 'Nothing to see here, move along'...

Comment The Movie They Should Make (Score 4, Interesting) 245

Act 1:
In Eastern Europe, a handful of partisans still fight SkyNet and an army of robots. It's a desperate fight and the landscape is filled with the wreckage of a former age. One group is led by Ahnuld. He's crafty and careful having lived through the worst of times. His crew look up to him as a father and would follow him into hell.
Called before the supreme council, it's Eastern Europe remember, one member of his crew is denounced. It's all a ruse to get him and his group to sign up for a high-risk, end the war in Europe mission. He agrees but not before telling everyone of them 'I'll be back'.
Act 2:
Getting there is the hardest part. Sneaking through wrecked cities and desolate wastelands, half empty aquifers and collapsed rail tunnels, fighting and dying heroically to preserve the mission and each other, the rag tag group makes its way to... CERN. The idyllic countryside has been devastated. In its place are ruined behemoths and the rusted hulks of war machines. But SkyNet lives here, at least the part aware of the European theatre and they are there to destroy it.
Act 3:
Is where it really gets good. Also, there's a twist ending. Really, this movie could win awards. That's how good the ending is. Even your Mom is going to like it. I'd tell you, but it would ruin it for you. I'm doing you a favor.

Comment Re:So we now call speculation "conclusive evidence (Score 0) 476

It worked out ok in the end.

The problem with the Climate Change movement is that people like James Hansen, Al Gore and Michael Mann are the most vocal proponents. None of them has ever expressed any caution and seem to always err on the side of their own arguments.

Hansen predicted huge sea level rises which failed to materialize. Mann spliced together a hockey stick which is also not matching reality. Can we at least acknowledge that both of these guys were wrong in these instances? Who exactly is the zealot here? Al Gore is just a profiteer with an extremely large carbon footprint.

The biggest argument in favor of Global Warming was the loss of sea ice. But even there nothing is unprecedented and it remains to be seen if the loss is permanent or just naturally cyclical. The only thing I am sure of is that the science is not settled.

Comment Re:So we now call speculation "conclusive evidence (Score -1) 476

Nice quote and so apropos to the climate 'debate'. I do think that the scientific process will win out in the end (how can it lose?). I just don't think that the current bunch of 'climate' scientists are backing the right horse, that being C02 as the primary driver of global temperatures.

97% consensus, har har.

Comment And yet... (Score 2) 197

If we stay on this rare planet, we are certainly doomed. It's the nicest place we know of but if we don't get off this rock, we'll probably get killed off by collision with a smaller rock. Or a super volcano... Or Mannian hot air... Or the next ice age... Or our own greed and stupidity.

My money is on the Bransons and Rutans of this world figuring out how to get us into space and someday stay for good. Once someone figures out how to survive in space, there will be thousands hot on their heels. We don't need another Earth. If we can survive long enough to get there, the only reason we'll stay is for variety, not neccessity.

There are more raw resources between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter than exist on Earth. We just need to get there.

Comment Re:Or not... (Score 0, Troll) 335

Or maybe it's just the pressures of reality. Ice loss this year will be about average and way above last year. Last year the artic lost ice cover due to, gasp, the weather. This year it is tracking about normal and overall thickness has actually increased.

If the warmistas can just find the missing heat, the debate would be over. But there's the rub.

Comment Cheaters never prosper (Score 1) 315

Is a lie! I have 3 kids and I will not lie to them. For this time in history, I will tell them that they should do a cost-benefit analysis. If the cost of getting caught is less the the benefit, then they should at least consider it.

Bill Bellicheck won 3 Super Bowls as head coach of the Patriots and they cheated every year that they won. Things like bringing a snow blower on to the field to clear a patch for their kicker to sending spies to upcoming opponents to steal signal calls and playbooks.

Same thing with all of the PED usage in sports. If getting caught gets you a 30 day suspension but using PEDs gets you millions, then that is a pretty simple formula.

I don't like it myself, but it is the world we live in and you have to be slightly mercenary in your outlook. Morals are for arguing about afterwards.

Comment Can of worms (Score 2) 450

Being able to print gun parts is a much bigger issue then YouTube yanking a video. The current push for gun control doesn't address this issue at all. It would be funny if it didn't have so many implications for society at large. Printable guns are going to happen. Printable guns will be disposable and untraceable. Why keep a gun when you can print another.

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