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Comment Union BS (Score 2) 674

Non-governmental unions are weaker because the industries that they took over no longer exist or are a shadow of what they used to be. The cruise ship industry was mandated by a Democratic congress to be unionized and disappeared virtually overnight. Sure, there are still Americans working cruise liners, but they are all foreign owned.

My Grandfather worked his way into management of a steel mill. He used to tell me stories of unionized mobs lynching scabs and harrasing the families of management. It is no wonder that so many unions were infiltrated by organized crime, they weren't that much different to begin with. The steel industry survives, but mostly in the non-unionized south.

Comment American Cruise Ships (Score 2) 674

Ask yourself why there are no American cruise lines and then go look up the real cause. Unions are a 20th century artifact and no longer serve any purpose except to milk the remaining drops out of a dying cow. Every unionized industry not dependent on public support is either disappearing or already dead. Argue all you want about the noble cause of unions, but this story and a thousand others illustrate the opposite.

It is going to be a long 4 years for a lot of people, not all of whom really deserve it.

Comment Re:Similar to the threat of terrorist attacks (Score 1) 242

None of the things you mention are allowed in the USA. Regulations and oversight are already in place. We go out of our way to clean up sites that are overly poluted. We plant more trees than we harvest and natural forests are at record levels.

Actualy, I expect the world to look almost exactly like it does now, except with even fewer jobs and fewer people who can support themselves and their families. I also expect that CO2 is going to be found to be a very weak signal in the whole climate debate. The science in the last few years has found that there are solar forcings, orbital dynamics, planetary tidal effects and a lot of other things in play. Some denialists are only so in respect to man made global warming or that warming, of the non-runaway type like we currently are seeing, is bad.

Comment Re:Tax plan-- please explain it to me. (Score 1) 698

And the low income earners receive multiple times that amount in services. The majority of Americans take out more then they pay in. That is one of the reasons that many of these programs are going broke. If you are a middle income earner, you might break even. If you are a high earner, then you should be patriotic, shut your mouth and keep feeding the mouth breathers.

Comment Re:Tax plan-- please explain it to me. (Score 1) 698

His plan is very simple. Cut government and make it more efficient. Reduce duplication of services and programs. I believe him when he says this is what he will do. The US government is dysfunctional and everyone knows it. It is basically an imperial government without any foreign territories to prop itself up with. We have rediculous goals and programs that haven't worked despite existing since before I was born. I trust Romney to do the hard task of sorting through the layers and layers of bureaucracy that have become petty thiefdoms.

Rewriting the tax code is just a part of the plan and as has been stated many times by candidate Romney, he's not going to ram things down the gullet of the American public. He's not going to freeze out the other party for 2 years and then claim they won't work with him.

We are supposed to be a nation of laws, but Obama has spent the last 3 and half years doing very questionable actions by fiat. 3 years without passing a single budget, which they are required to have, and they have the stones to attack the Ryan budget. They talk of it as if it had been put into effect. No security in Benghazi? Ryan wanted to cut funds in his budget, his budget that never happened. Meanwhile the consulate in Italy gets fancy new electric vehicles. Nice going guys. Obama and Biden were both Senators and should know how the budget process works, but they act like they have no clue.

It's similar to the whole American Auto Industry argument. Team Obama wants everyone to think they saved GM and Chrysler and Team Romney would have let them die. But Chrysler is not even an American company anymore and GM is still facing a perilous future as a pension company that makes cars. Union takeover by fiat. Try telling Romney that a company is too big to fail and I think you will get a much different explanation of how things are supposed to work.

I'm looking forward to this election being over. My vote does not count as I am not in a battleground state, but I will respect the process and trust in my fellow citizens to make the right choice.

Comment Re:Tax plan-- please explain it to me. (Score 1) 698

Public education? Some of the content does that, but a lot of it is very partisan. They spend 10 minutes gushing over an Obama ad, replaying it multiple times and then spend 5 minutes bashing Romney's playing only bits and pieces. If they were only dedicated to public education, I would support that.

They claim to be non-partisan because they don't accept advertising, which is rediculoust. At this point, I'd rather they get off the government teat and run ads.

Comment Re:It's a big world out there and the point stands (Score 1) 698

Then point out to all us ignorant Americans what country or region is better. I'd really like to know. For all our faults and mistakes, the US is a great place to live and the fact that people still clamor to come here is indicative of that.

Compare Birth and Suicide rates and the US is 2nd to only 1.

Comment Re:Romney-Ryan no Insurance your doctor is ER and (Score 1) 378

Texas passed tort reform and has seen a dramatic influx of health care professionals. They actually want to work and no, they haven't increased the incidents of malpractice. That is a bizarre idea, that tort reform would lead to more malpractice.

I had socialized medicine when living in Europe and it wasn't great. It was a lot of waiting in line and even more complete indifference to the people waiting in line. I also experienced socialized medicine in the USMC and it was exactly the same. Give something away for free and you will find that there are a lot of people who will abuse the system.

Comment Re:Romney-Ryan no Insurance your doctor is ER and (Score 2, Funny) 378

Do you really think that parents that take their kids to the ER for a fever and/or ear infection are going to suddenly stop taking their kids to the ER and go to their regular doctor? Do you really think that the homeless, who account for a large percentage of ER costs, are going to find a doctor who will take them that doesn't work in an ER?

Mitt's plan is to let the States work this out for themselves. In some states that can be Robamacare and in others it can be insurance and tort reform. Tort reform would save the system more money then any of the current proposals.

Comment Re:If Obama's BIRTH can be an issue (Score 1) 571

People who say 'you are part of the problem' are the problem.

"When success benefits the top, but the bottom gets worse-off, people will realize the situation is unfair and demand changes."

The problem is we have a system that rewards the rich and the very poor. Both are happy to perpetuate this system. People in the middle class get it coming and going. On the one hand, they proabably work for someone who is rich, and on the other, they are stuck in line behind a family of elephants with two carts, one for all the freebies and the other with beer and ice cream. People who make a salary pay full taxes. The rich get taxed less because they can afford to take shelters and $1 salaries and get loans on their stock options. The poor get tax credits and many have cash jobs that they dont report.

The 'poor' get subsidized as much as the 'rich' get pampered. It is the middle class who are getting screwed.

Comment Re:If Obama's BIRTH can be an issue (Score 1) 571

I don't doubt that he was born in Hawaii, just like I don't doubt that Obama misrepresented himself numerous times as being foreign born. The official bio on his publishers site being the most recent example.

Not that I really care about that either. The only thing I need to know about Obama is something he said during the last election. He would raise taxes even if it meant less revenue for the government. That's really all you need to know about him. His actions and inactions during the last 4 years all prove that he wasnt lying about that.

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