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Comment What is there to stop Google from adopting OCP? (Score 1) 89

I wouldn't say that google is "dismissing" Facebook's strategy but instead, google is working a few levels above it

I am not disputing what you say but to add one crucial thing ...
Currently there is absolutely nothing which prevents Google from adopting the OCP standard, and/or using the OCP hardware

Google's concern right now is to get people to use their cloud, hardware wise Google has a lot of options available to them:

1. Continue to keep their hardware proprietary

2. Adopt the OCP hardware

3. Hybrid their hardware with that of OCP offerings (which means they have to opensource the changes they made to OCP)

4. Go for a newer, more robust design

Comment Justice for Americans? Obama?? (Score 1) 312

Shame Uncle Tom Obama the choom gang coward is such a god damned weasel and is more concerned about protecting his reputation and wealth than in justice for Americans

Oh c'mon dude!

The day the Americans have to depend on Obama for justice (whether for the Americans or for anybody else) is the day America dies

You ought to know it by now, dude. Obama and 'justice' are mutually exclusive

Submission + - Soft robot tentacle can lasso an ant without harming it 1

jan_jes writes: The soft robot, developed by Jaeyoun Kim from Iowa State University, can curl itself into a circle with a radius of just 200 micrometres. The tentacle was also able to grasp the egg of a fish called a capelin. Such miniature soft robots could be useful for microsurgery. The lassoing motion and low force exerted by the tentacle could be an advantage in endovascular operations, for example, where the target for surgery is reached through blood vessels. They describe their findings in this journal.

Comment Re:Unpossible (Score 1) 107

... then how do they expect to get their 1 million dollars back?

Contributing funds to special projects doesn't mean expecting ROI in specific amount of money. Rather, the virtual infrastructures that were created by those projects that often attract more resources to enable the creation of even more virtual infrastructures

It's the snowballing effect that is the crux of those investment

Comment How can one do apheresis donation for 60 years?? (Score 5, Interesting) 97

As a platelet donator myself I have nothing but respect for Mr. James Harrison

Unlike Mr. James Harrison I simply can't foresee I can do 600 bouts of aphresis donation

During the 'peak years' I donated almost once every 2 weeks, as I was always 'on call' by the blood bank as my platelet count is high (more than 350, sometimes approaching 400)

Many blood banks prefer to give the patients, - especially those severely weakened patients who had gone through regiments of chemotherapy to fight their blood/bone marrow cancers, - platelets from single donor rather than platelets collected from multiple donors

Thus far I have done platelet donation for more than 200 times, but due to the accumulation of scar tissues many of the blood veins in both of my arms have either collapsed, or shrunk

I still give blood, but whole blood, as my veins can no longer take the punishment from the aphresis process

Comment This one has NSA's fingerprint all over it (Score 1, Interesting) 73

I'm with the camp that thinks Israel is behind it. It only makes sense, given their involvement with Stuxnet and their high level of interest in Iran's nuclear program, plus the connection with the Auschwitz liberation date

I beg to differ

My train of thought for this case runs more along the false flag rule, and that if Israel really wants to carry it out wouldn't it at least try to avoid identifying themselves?

The fact that the attack was launched with the Auschwitz liberation date in mind tells us that someone else is behind the scheme --- as the Auschwitz liberation date has a permalink to Israel anyone who wants to frame Israel can do nothing less than to link an attack to that particular date

And apparently it works --- reading the comments here tells us that those aren't equipped with critical thinking skills will automatically associate the attack with Israel

I am no friend of Israel but I do reckon that the Jews are way more clever than that --- if indeed it was Israel which is behind this attack then they will do it in a way that, at the very least, leave enough clues to lead to some other players rather than Israel

The fact that Stuxnet / Duqu was co-developed by Israel and NSA, and this current deployment uses technique that they once deployed back in 2011, indicates to me that NSA is behind it

It is legitimate to ask why NSA wants to mess with systems belong to P5+1 who are connected the Iran nuclear deal, and the answer is no more than who is currently in charge in the White House

They way Obama is behaving, and has been behaving the past 5+ years in the White House tells us that he is a controlling type, that he needs to know everything about everybody

From the NSA spying on the Americans to blaming his favorite bogeyman - China - on the leak of the background info of 4 million American civil servants, even when he didn't even have an iota of evidence, we know full well the one true thing that motivates Obama --- to have a total control, and to manipulate the sentiments of the people so that they will give him full support of whatever he wants to do

You guys are on /. --- by the self-selection prophesy you guys are supposed to be better than the rest of the populace, so, please, it's time to equip yourselves with much better thinking skills

In a world where leaders such as Obama is so skilled in manipulating populace sentiments we must ensure that we ourselves are not being manipulated

Comment How do they know it's the Russians, not NSA?? (Score 2) 189

or, you virtualize it??

Talk about virtualization ...
Who was the one tapping into Angela Merkel's phone?

NSA or the Russians?

Since they can't even get rid of the thing how in the world they know that thing came from Russia, not NSA?

I always thought the Germans are equipped with critical thinking skill, apparently I couldn't be more wrong

Comment Re:To all you Obama supporters (Score 1) 165

The chance of Hillary getting elected is about as good as me becoming a US citizen in the next 8 seconds

As an American citizen and an American who never miss a chance to vote, I am not that confident!

I have watched in horror what my fellow Americans had done, for the past 2 decades

First, they elected that bumbling idiot Bush Jr, twice , and then they turned around elected this horror architect supremo Obama twice

Will they end up elect Hillary twice ??

I dunno, but viewing from their past performance I have a hunch that they might just do so

Comment Why is it that you guys still believe in Obama?? (Score 2, Informative) 165

Now why is Obama coming off like a puppet in these discussion and exactly how much dirt does the NSA and CIA have on him, to keep him so tightly on the leash from day one or is that day three

What the hell is wrong with you guys??

Obama has shown his true color to all of us, not one day, not one year, but for more than FIVE MOTHERFUCKING YEARS ALREADY and you guys STILL having that faint hope that, deep inside, Obama has a conscience?

Obama needs no leash from NSA / CIA / FBI, Obama is *ONE OF THEM*, and has been their *MOST VALUED SUPPORTER* all the while!!

Obama doesn't have even one single iota of conscience in him. The guy is a egoistical maniac. All he wants is POWER, and he intends to RULE OVER ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING

Please man, please open up your fucking eyes and look at Obama for what he actually is, not what you hope he to be

Comment I went to school in the US (Score 1) 528

And guess what? I didn't take any loan

I simply had enough of the whiners who can't do anything but whine and whine and whine all day long

Yes, all my uni schooling I did in the United States of America - and I paid all of it by working multiple jobs, on evenings, weekends and on summer 'holidays'

I was a refugee. I was all alone in America. Every single penny that I spent I had to earn it by working

I never applied for any welfare nor loan nor any kind of 'assistance' - I made do with whatever I had, that was all to it

While I was slaving away day and night working and studying my classmates were having a lot of really fun time of their lives. They partied hard and fucked furiously --- I didn't have any of that

Do I regret missing out of all those 'fun'? Nope. Why should I?

And you guys who signed up with the student loans --- hey, you guys gotta own up to whatever you've signed up for

Bitching and whining all day long ain't gonna earn you any extra 'bonus point', you know?

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