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Comment Re:get rid of salary pay / make it have a high lev (Score 1) 477

Or, you know we could negotiate a salary that we are happy with given the job descriptions we are applying for. Since I make between 2 and 3 times the median wage I'm ok with answering some emails off hours or waking up to a page once every 6 months due to a system problem. Then again I'm a tech lead and hence management so I'd be exempt under just about any rules =)

Comment SVLTE/SVDO? (Score 4, Interesting) 47

So does this finally mean we'll get Simultaneous voice and LTE/SVDO back? Because all the current generation Qualcomm processors lack dual radio paths for some reason, this despite the fact that the previous generation had it. I have to assume it's because they used so much power/transistor budget on 'more cores!!!!' that they didn't have room for an RF design to accommodate features that are actually useful.

Comment Re:sky should be the limit... (Score 1) 314

It's far too pricey for cheap ass geegaws - if it was really carbon fiber, it would be way way up there in price.

Not really, CF is only slightly more expensive than fiberglass to make in sheets, it's complex forms that have to be vacuum kilned that get expensive (mostly because it's a batch rather than continuous process and so slow and labor intensive).

Comment Re:"extrusion"? (Score 1) 314

50k tons is indeed huge, the presses that extrude the entire side of a full sized van are only around 2k tons and they shake the ground for a hundred acres around them even though they sit on huge shock absorbers and isolators. I should see if my dad has any contacts at the Cleveland Alcoa site with two of those mega presses.

Comment Re:Depends on the dish (Score 2) 285

That reminds me of my dads indian friend, he often left curry cooking all day while he was in class and teaching. One day we accompanied him home at the end of his school day, when he opened the door it was like being maced (and I too am a bit of a chilihead). Another friend told us when he moved out that the landlord had to strip the existing paint and put on 3 coats of thick paint just to get the smell down to where someone else could stand to be in the place long enough to sign a lease =)

Comment Re:Too Little Too Late (Score 1) 166

Loot 2.0 and the new more granular monster scaling did fix most of the brokenness with D3, there no longer an item wall at Act 2 Inferno where you can't progress without grinding for gold to buy items you have almost zero chance of finding yourself, now you find actual upgrades on a fairly regular basis that allow you to continue on to higher difficulties and you don't run into this steep cliff where you go from slaughtering monsters to being slaughtered through no fault of your gameplay but rather bad itemization. Now I'm not saying you can just jump in and hit Torment 7 in a day, but I took my HC wizard from 43 (Act 3 Nightmare in D3 1.x) to Torment 1 in two weeks and when I found my killing power a little lacking in Torment 1 it was because I was having my health yo-yo more than I would like rather than suddenly being one shotted like happened multiple times under 1.x.

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