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Comment Re:Horse Battery Staple is common too (Score 1) 299

Not all of my passwords can be that long. My bank password (the one I care about the most) has a 5 char limit and and I hate random passwords. I came across a good method a few years ago for generating passwords that need to be short: Take a song and chose a line then take the first character of each word and you have an easy to remember but hard to guess password.

Comment Re:I switched to CentOS and never looked back (Score 1) 346

Ubuntu tries to allow you to do major upgrades in place, but after a year or two you have to reinstall to clear out the crud.

Say what? Unless something has really changed between Debian and Ubuntu there really shouldn't be much crud being built i`since it provides a remove feature for obsolete dependencies. I have been running Debian for over a decade and I only reinstall for server replacement or corrupted drives.

Comment Re:So many improvements (Score 1) 190

I had the same problem with the Nvidia drivers but 3.12 was such a large difference on my other systems that I spent the time and patched the Nvidia drivers myself using patches I found using a Google search "Nvidia Linux 3.1.2".

You should be able to do the same but if you get stuck, feel free to contact me for help.

Comment Re:What's the problem? (Score 4, Insightful) 188

You are so wrong it's not even funny. The retailer is almost always held responsible for any fraud. If a charge is determined to be fraudulent the retailer is out the money plus a chargeback fee and on top of that, the event is kept track of so if the overall total gets too high, the merchant account gets terminated.

Comment Re:This applies to television, too? (Score 1) 361

The trend of "cutting the cable" has more to do with the fact that with all of those channels, there is still nothing worth watching most of the time. Most of the channels are barely distinguishable from each other and all show similar crap. Even channels that were supposed to be different have become the same as everything else (MTV cut back on music, Syfi cut back on science fiction etc). And that's on top of the fact that anything I find worth watching tends to be on when I would rather be doing something else.

So I'd say the problem with cable is actually the lack of choice disguised as choice.

Comment Re:Me gusta! (Score 1) 179

Once your project reaches a certain size the actual commands and their arguments end up making a multiline mess for each command and aren't actually that helpful unless it's the build process itself you are debugging. It gets even worse if you generate dependency files which involve piping the output of gcc through some arcane sed commands.

I generally prefer having make tell me what it's doing (Generating depfile.d, building file.c, linking file.o) etc. And then it's very easy to spot what file threw the error. Where I work, we turn on every GCC warning we can find and that alone is several lines per gcc execution (programmers are under orders to not leave warnings). Compiles here happen several times an hour but the build system only gets worked on when I have some free time and feel like I need some pain in my life (once a year at best). The other programmers don't know or care that the build system crawls the source tree, duplicates the tree structure in a build folder, generates dependency and object files in the corresponding subfolders of the build folder etc etc. They only want to see what source or include file they broke.

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