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Comment Re:Don't count on it (Score 1) 20

I wouldn't be shocked if the LPC calls a snap election to take advantage of the CPC weak leadership position. Truedau should be able to pull off another election win by scaring people about Poilievre. I keep waiting for the moment that the CPC remembers most Canadians want fiscal conservatives and not social conservatives.

Comment Re:All Social Media should have fair appeals (Score 1) 53

Facebook, Reddit, now Instagram - all ruined by shit moderation.

No kidding. The best part about all of this is that actual porn spammers/dating site scammers are usually not touched by the moderators. Even the people selling $3000 items for $300 don't get touched even if the actual trademark owner complains.

Comment Don't count on it (Score 1) 20

Prime Minister Trudeau tends to avoid wanting to upset anyone so anything he does tends to be watered down so badly it does no real good at all. Things like the airline traveler's protection regulations with so many loopholes the airlines rarely have to pay compensation.

Never thought I would miss Jean Cretien, Paul Martin or even Steven Harper but here we are.

Comment Re:Well, okay... (Score 1) 38

The very large company I work for made a corporate decision to disable Skype for Business and standardize on Teams. That lasted about a month. I think it is still company policy, but Teams has been so buggy, everyone gave up and just uses Zoom for video conferencing. Connection issues, audio issues, screen sharing issues Just make our lives miserable and prevented actual work from being done.

My personal favorite (happened more than once):
Co worker: "Hey I can't see the shared content"
Me: "Move your Teams window to the monitor on the left"
Co worker: "That worked..."

Comment Re:Get Woke.. (Score 1) 204

Disney is following the bad path in streaming that many did - trying to be a one-stop-shop for content creation, and distribution. Instead content creators should create the content, then a separate company can stream it. Get rid of all the stupid exclusivities, it doesn't help. They made a lot of money when they licensed their content to multiple cable providers, so why do they think they need to keep it private to only their subscribers?

The problem is that much of the content created by Disney+ lately has been crap which to me is surprising since that used to be their strong suite. The Star Wars spinoffs have gotten boring and don't even get me started on how money they spent on an ad campaign trying to shove the latest season of the Kardashians down everyone's throats. Quite frankly, I haven't seen any compelling content from them lately. to be honest, their ad campaigns have actively kept me off their platform. If the Kardashians are your single biggest reason you think I should signup to your platform, I'm out.

Comment Re:False flag? (Score 1) 209

The proper response is to get a couple of guys in a cessna with a shotgun to fly up and put a hole in it. It'll come down slowly and likely not be damaged substantially by the landing.

Unless it tears as soon as it is punctured. If that happens, you have what I hear is a fairly heavy object plummeting to the ground.

Comment Re:A form of spam (Score 1) 158

The reviews were likely real. When you see this, the seller had some other (cheaper) product up to get the volume up and customer reviews. The next step is to change the title and description to the new more expensive product and it ranks to the top thanks to all of the good reviews.

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